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Volunteer child advocates needed in Rutland County

November 12, 2014
Dear Editor, Rutland County is a wonderful place to live and raise children. However, some families do not have the resources and support they need, and children end up in the state’s custody for a variety of reasons. Some have been abused, neglected, and/or abandoned by their parents or other caretakers; others are the subjects…

Red Ribbon Week successfully increased awareness for substance abuse and education

November 12, 2014
Dear Editor, The Rutland Area Prevention Coalition thanks all of our partners around Rutland County who helped in the celebration of National Red Ribbon Week (Oct. 23-31)—a time set aside to stress the importance of healthy lifestyle choices, especially among youth. Anti-drunk-or-drugged driving messages are appropriately part of this event, and we thank the 10…

Community Q&A with Mike Solimano

November 5, 2014
Editor’s note: The Mountain Times receives many questions from readers every week about Killington Resort and Pico Mountain operations. Mike Solimano, president and general manager for Killington Resort and Pico Mountain, has agreed to answer some of the most common questions received. The Boston Ski and Snowboard Expo is coming up next week (Nov. 13-16).…

Oppose the option tax

November 5, 2014
Dear Editor, While I applaud Killington’s plans for its expansion plans for summer business, I do not think it should be in any way contingent on the 1 percent option tax. A large percentage of the Killington residents are retirees with fixed incomes who moved here when property taxes were low and the decreases in…

Resort “improvements” do not help residents

November 5, 2014
Dear Editor, I’ve been skiing Killington for the past 35 years. I’ve been a regular season pass holder for over 20 years. I am a full time resident for the past 10 years. I am currently, for the first time, a mid-week season pass holder. Two weeks ago on a Friday, I had the occasion…

Open letter to Mr. Paul Sunu, CEO of FairPoint

November 5, 2014
Mr. Sunu, When I moved to Pittsfield, Vt., in November 2013, I became a new customer. Though I had heard many reports of how unreliable FairPoint service is locally, I had no issues for the first six months. Suddenly it became an enormous problem. There is rarely a day I am able to make it…

Vote Dean Corren for Vermont Lt. Governor

November 2, 2014
Dear Editor, Voting for Dean Corren makes sense for a whole host of reasons, one of which – a big one – is his experience with, knowledge of, and commitment to developing alternative energy. Vermont needs to move much more effectively to free her citizens from the tyranny of The Grid. Voting for Dean Corren…

Shumlin won’t tell us what it will cost until after the election

October 30, 2014
Dear Editor, The Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare) and Vermont Health Connect (a.k.a. Shumlincare) are weakening the economy and over time both will become less affordable. Both plans help specific groups by giving them a greater slice of the economic pie. But the law reduces the pie itself by reducing the amount that Americans work.…

In support of Marc Brierre

October 30, 2014
Dear Editor, This letter is in support of Marc Brierre for State’s Attorney. As an officer for the Vermont State Police, I’ve known Marc as a prosecutor for all of my time in the Rutland area. In one of my very first cases in Rutland County, Marc went out of his way in a small…

Tate for State

October 30, 2014
Dear Editor, My vote and endorsement in this election will go to Job Tate to represent the district of Chittenden, Mendon, Killington and Bridgewater. Job has a young family and is running to make sure that that his young family and others have a place in Vermont. As an elected official Job will take this…

Record proves Marc Brierre a good choice

October 30, 2014
Dear Editor, Marc Brierre began his career with the Rutland County State “Attorney” office over 30 years ago as a prosecutor. He handled his case load and assisted where and when needed. Life was a bit easier then. Throughout the years he changed, learned, grew and garnered the experience of those around him. This includes…

Anne is the one

October 30, 2014
Dear Editor, Let me start by saying Anne Gallivan’s modesty and her penchant for listening instead of talking make her a lousy campaigner. But those qualities, combined with her intellect, honesty, ethics, persuasiveness and her ability to compromise make her an excellent legislator! What makes her unique is that she has no hidden agenda. She…

Gallivan: Invest in a future

October 30, 2014
Dear Editor, It is time once again for the voters of Bridgewater, Chittenden, Killington and Mendon to decide on representation in Montpelier. As your current representative, I want to use my experience to work with a strong voice. My views align best with a Democratic party platform, but I have voted with an independent voice…

Tate: Why I’m running to represent you

October 30, 2014
Dear Editor, This coming election is extremely crucial for the future of Vermont. With a lop-sided government in Montpelier we continue to see a singular point of view having full reign over the state’s budget, our business climate, our personal freedoms and Vermont’s way forward. This past January my wife, Lisa, and I were blessed with…

Rutland County Constituents will benefit with William “Tracy” Carris

October 30, 2014
Dear Editor, Politics can be hard to understand, the amount of time it takes to make a decision can take years. This has got to stop, we must make more streamlined regulations and have the ability to adapt them if/when the time comes. Many of the laws and regulations in place today hinder growth and…