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Pot and the brain: Real, negative effects that come with too high a cost
April 15, 2015
By Debby Haskins Scientifically speaking, why does one feel “high” from marijuana? As Vermont contemplates legalizing marijuana and increasing the access to it and acceptance of it, it’s worth learning about what marijuana does to the brain. Arguably there is still much scientific study to do on the subject, but research on pot and its effects…
Schools: everything is relative
April 15, 2015
H.361 tries to address the school conundrum By Dave Sharpe Do we have small schools and small school districts or tiny schools and tiny school districts? Will expanding the size of school districts and getting rid of supervisory unions increase or decrease democracy? Can we embrace a new sense of our local community? Does H.361…
A blueprint for successful corporate volunteerism
April 15, 2015
Dear Editor, I read something in a local paper a few weeks ago about the struggle of nonprofits to accommodate sporadic droves of corporate volunteers. The story said that while well intended, volunteers often show up to perform a photo-op-worthy task that’s already well-covered and not necessarily what truly needs to be done. Nonprofits rarely…
Tate Update
April 8, 2015
Dear friends, family and neighbors: At 6:15 p.m. on Friday March 28, the Vermont House of Representatives voted to pass the budget. It will now go to the Senate and be debated further before coming back to the House for final passage. While this year's budget is the result of a lot of hard work—and…
In support of healthy workplaces, bill H.187
April 8, 2015
Dear Editor, I am writing to express my support for the Healthy Workplaces bill H.187, which is being debated in Montpelier. The bill establishes a minimum standard of earned leave which an employee can use to manage their health and the health of their families. Currently, almost 60,000 Vermonters don’t have access to any paid…
Universal recycling — an opportunity for Vermont
April 8, 2015
By Secretary Deb Markowitz, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources As I’ve been traveling around the state talking with Vermonters about the new universal recycling law, I have met many impressive individuals on the front lines of implementation. Trevor Mance, founder of TAM Waste Management, is one example. Mance got his start in the solid waste…
Doubling down on job creation
April 8, 2015
By Governor Peter Shumlin Since its inception in 2007, the Vermont Employment Growth Incentive program (VEGI) has encouraged companies to relocate to or grow in Vermont, translating into well-paying jobs for Vermonters. In the eight years since the program was launched, companies approved for VEGI have created 3,038 new full-time jobs, added $187 million in…
LoveYourBrain yoga fundraiser, a huge success
April 1, 2015
Dear Editor, The LoveYourBrain fundraiser Sunday at Base Camp Outfitters was a huge success with over 29 people attending the gentle yoga and meditation class. We were able to raise $615 to donate to the cause. LoveYourBrain is a non-profit organization working to improve the quality of life for people affected by brain injury. A personal…
Tate update: Dear Friends, Family and Neighbors:
April 1, 2015
At 6:15 p.m. on Friday March 28, The Vermont House of Representatives voted to pass the budget. It will now go to the Senate and be debated further before coming back to the House for final passage. While this year’s budget is the result of a lot of hard work--and the members of the Appropriations…
A Vermont full of promise
April 1, 2015
By Governor Peter Shumlin Last I week I visited with young professionals along the western side of Vermont in Rutland, St. Albans, and Middlebury. At every stop, I was inspired to see so many committed to living, working, and building strong communities in Vermont. Some hailed from outside Vermont, attracted to our state by its…
Schools “go independent” with positive results
April 1, 2015
By Rob Roper Last November, Vermonters sent a loud and clear message to Montpelier to fix Vermont’s education financing system and lower our property tax burden. A proposal now coming out of the Legislature is based on mandatory consolidation of school districts into units of no fewer than 1,100 students, which will affect all but…
Governing by crisis isn’t governing at all
April 1, 2015
By Lee H. Hamilton After Congress came a hair’s-breadth from shutting down the Department of Homeland Security a few weeks ago, members of the leadership tried to reassure the American people. “We’re certainly not going to shut down the government or default on the national debt,” Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declared on CBS’s “Face the…
Gallivan keeps her oar in
March 27, 2015
Dear Editor, I have been reflecting on my experience in the legislature and the campaign last fall, and realize that I didn’t use this messaging as I should have, the least of which should have been to write to thank those of you who supported me in my work. Perhaps more letters during the campaign…
The high cost of a potent drug
March 27, 2015
Today’s pot is stronger Dear Editor, Today’s pot is much more potent than people realize. Combine a much more potent and dangerous drug with the enhanced delivery methods available today–edibles, vapor pens, oil extracts–and the discussion about legalizing marijuana for recreational use takes on a much darker and troubling tinge. Many people tried marijuana in their…
An economy for all Vermonters
March 27, 2015
By Governor Peter Shumlin This week, the Vermont Department of Labor released revised calendar year 2014 data. Unlike the monthly reports that can fluctuate for various reasons, this data gives a more accurate view of the year as a whole. The results were promising: Vermont’s average unemployment rate was 4.1 percent for 2014, 3/10 of…