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Time to pay it forward

February 21, 2024
Dear Editor, I am the current chair of the Mountain Views Supervisory Union (MVSU) School Board. I am also a Woodstock resident, a parent of three children who graduated from our schools, a grandparent of a PreK student at WES, and an educator who taught for 39 years in the school district. At the vote…

Protect and strengthen the Green Mountain Care Board, say “No” to Bill S.211

February 15, 2024
Dear Editor, Editor’s note: The following was originally written as an open letter to lawmakers. Senate bill S.211 is an attempt by the Vermont Association of Hospitals and Health Systems to free hospitals from appropriate and thoughtful budgetary regulation by the Green Mountain Care Board. The bill, if enacted, will be an enormous benefit to…

Wasteful SB spending proves a need for a change

February 15, 2024
Dear Editor, Last week I introduced myself as a candidate for Select Board and outlined some of the ways in which the current board is not serving the community as well as it deserves to be served. The treatment of former search and rescue volunteers and their current blacklist from the department, which I detailed…

It’s time to move on from Bottle Bill expansion discussions

February 7, 2024
Submitted   By John W. Casella Editor’s note: John W. Casella is the chairman and CEO of Casella Waste Systems, Inc. The Vermont State Senate recently supported Governor Scott’s 2023 veto of H.158, an act relating to expanding the beverage container redemption system. The governor’s veto letter to the legislators expressed concerns on how H.…

Gieda for Select Board 

February 7, 2024
Dear Editor, I am Andrew Gieda and I am running for Select Board. Most people know me as a builder, I’ve built homes and condos. I know how to repair almost anything. I’ve been fixing things for a long time. That is why I am asking you to vote for me. We have lots of…

Renovation of middle/high school is a more prudent option

February 7, 2024
Dear Editor, The Mountain Views Supervisory Union has recently been holding meetings with local communities asking for voter support to build a new middle and high school building on the site of the current complex in Woodstock. Having attended the recent meeting in Killington, I would first like to compliment the MVSU for their nerve in…

Why Killington needs a new school building

January 31, 2024
Dear Editor, On March 5, Killington voters will face a crucial decision: whether to approve a $99 million bond for a new school building that will replace the aging and deteriorating middle school/high school. This is not a decision to take lightly, as it will have significant implications for the town’s future, both in terms…

Seven years toward a new school

January 31, 2024
Dear Editor, Editor’s note: this letter was written Monday, Jan. 29, and originally posted on the Barnard listserv. It is published here with permissions. I’ve been reluctant to post anything because of my role on the School Board, but after seeing a number of posts on our, and other area listservs, I’ve gotten quite concerned with…

Killing a town; the end of a community

January 31, 2024
Dear Editor, “Spoiler Alert; It doesn’t matter what Killington wants” was the title of the recent Jan. 24, 2024 Editorial by Polly Mikula in the Mountain Times.  In the context of criticizing the Killington Select Board’s motion “to add an article [Article 5] to the Town Meeting Day ballot asking voters if they want to study the…

Sex is in DNA

January 24, 2024
Dear Editor, I just read the result that the judge ruled against the snowboarding coach. What world do we live in? Boys cannot be girls and girls cannot be boys. They can pretend, change clothes and mutilate their bodies but that’s it. This is mental illness disguised as compassion. You don’t humor an anorexic by…

The cost of an inaccurate enrollment forecast

January 24, 2024
Dear Editor, I am concerned about the upcoming community decision on the proposed new middle and high school. The plan is based on a model that is out-of-sync with recent enrollment trends and future projections. Since education funding in Vermont is based on enrollment, it is a critical element of any funding plan. Indeed, the…

Beekeepers refute state claims of honey bee health

January 17, 2024
Dear Editor, With decades of effort toward raising public awareness on the plight of pollinators, we the beekeepers of Vermont are deeply concerned about recent communications from the Vermont Agency of Agriculture Food and Markets (VAAFM), and we would like to set the record straight. The VAAFM’s claim of record honey bee numbers in Vermont…

Snow globe of democracy

January 17, 2024
  Dear Editor,  Snow globes are popular and soothing. What’s not to like about a glass globe with a pleasant scene inside, with snow gently falling whenever you shake the globe? But what if those falling flakes are actually bits of greed, corruption, violence and ignorance?  That’s how America seems to me now: a carefully…

Building smarter, stronger: Vermont’s homebuilding dream team takes off

January 10, 2024
  Dear Editor, In the heart of Vermont, a market transformation is underway in the world of homebuilding construction, and it’s not your average headline.  This isn’t just about bricks and beams; it’s about creating homes that are healthier, more energy efficient, and built to last. Picture this: The year is 2023, and the Legislative…

Thank you for donating to Castleton’s Tree of Remembrance

January 10, 2024
  Dear Editor, The Castleton Woman’s Club would like to thank all of the individuals and families and organizations/businesses who made donations in memory or honor of family and friends for the 2023 Tree of Remembrance.   The Woman’s Club would like to thank the librarians from the Castleton Free Library for all their hard…