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A government monopoly is no better than a private monopoly

June 15, 2016
Dear Editor, The Great Progressive Era in United States History(1890-1920) was characterized by the enactment of antitrust laws. Presidents of this era were concerned about American consumers being cheated by big monopoly industries like the Standard Oil company, now known as Exxon-Mobil. What is a monopoly? According to, “A monopoly is a situation in…

To Rose Kennedy: please drop the ridiculous charges against Mosher

June 10, 2016
Dear Editor, It is very dismaying to see the charges State’s Attorney Rose Kennedy has filed against Craig Mosher. Kennedy, please drop these ridiculous charges. They are not only an undeserved and malicious attack on a very upstanding citizen, but an insult to every resident of this state. Others have covered, often eloquently, why Craig…

Vt. precedents for town-building

June 10, 2016
Dear editor, I’d like to comment on Steve Seitz’s report published in the Mountain Times June 1-7 edition on Utah entrepreneur David Hall’s vision of planting a large new community in Sharon and Royalton. Unlike the communes we are used to, Hall’s scheme is both unusual and grandiose and is intended to found an entirely…

Salvation Army pastors say goodbye to Rutland

June 10, 2016
Dear Editor, We have served the Rutland County for the past nine years as the Pastors and Administrators for the Salvation Army. We are under farewell orders and will be leaving Vermont at the end of June. We will be moving back to New Jersey and will be the Pastors and Administrators for the Salvation…

Record-breaking volume of food donated in mailboxes

June 9, 2016
Dear Editor, On May 14 the generous Woodstock community donated a record breaking volume of food to the Stamp Out Hunger campaign, both by leaving bags at their mailboxes and bringing items to the main post office. I am proud of the entire staff of the Woodstock post office for their genuine excitement and participation…

Annual golf tournament to benefit the animals was a “hole in one” succuss

June 9, 2016
Dear Editor, On behalf of the Vermont Volunteer Services for Animals Humane Society (VVSA), we would like to thank the enormous amount of people that helped make our 4th Annual Golf Tournament & Silent Auction a Hole-in-One! There are so many indivudals and businesses to thank that it’s impossible to list them here. Thank you,…

The governor’s veto should be rebuked

June 9, 2016
Dear Editor, Bill S. 230 — a bi-partisan piece of compromise legislation that empowers local communities when it comes to siting for energy projects and sets reasonable sound standards for industrial wind projects — was vetoed Monday, June 6, by Governor Shumlin. This bill had input from the governor’s office throughout the entire session, especially in…

Killington police recover stolen goods

June 9, 2016
Dear Editor, A few weeks ago I was the victim of theft as someone stole a large value of money and stuff from my car, which was parked at my house. In the weeks since I reported this to local officers Howard and Montgomery, they’ve been very proactive in tracking down the perpetrator that broke into…

President’s foreign policy is hard to understand

June 7, 2016
Dear Editor, As I watched President Obama deliver a speech in Vietnam last week, I have to wonder about a few things this Ppresident does. First, he lifts a U. S. arms ban on this country so the U. S. can sell lethal military equipment to them even though the Communist Party leads the Socialist…

Open letter to President Obama: Hiroshima and Nagasaki

June 7, 2016
Dear Editor, Congratulations to President Obama on your historic and thoughtful words and deeds in Japan. You destroyed the artificial suspense created by the media over whether you would apologize or not. No one familiar with your background as someone keenly aware of our history would have predicted any such apology. The generation that fought…

Self-aggrandizement over good judgment?

June 7, 2016
Dear Editor, In response to John Paul Faignant’s letter of May 5, 2016, in the Rutland Herald entitled “Rose Kennedy passes hard test”-- First of all Mr. Faignant is obviously biased in his assessment of Ms. Kennedy’s judgment. Either that or he is just a poor judge of words he uses in his letter. His…

Charges should be dropped against Mosher

June 7, 2016
Dear Editor, The criminal charges filed by the Rutland State’s Attorneys Office against Mr. Mosher are overreaching and should be totally dropped. An involuntary manslaughter charge (felony) against the responsible owner of a cow killed by a car—in light of strong facts suggesting fault may lie with the auto driver—seems very unreasonable. As a Killington…

Annual Spring Fling dance a success

May 27, 2016
Dear Editor, On Sunday, May 15, 2016, ARC Rutland Area again offered a Spring Fling dance for over 70 members, parents and friends of ARC Rutland Area for a fun afternoon of socializing, munching and dancing. A huge thank you to all who made this event possible. Events such as this promote ARC Rutland Area…

Letter carriers food drive biggest success in a decade

May 27, 2016
Dear Editor, The United Way of Rutland County is thankful to the many Rutland County residents who contributed non-perishable food items in support of the 24th Annual Letter Carriers’ Food Drive on May 14. The event was a great success this year, with more than 25,000 pounds of food collected and distributed to food shelves…

Rachael Ray—a success story in giving back

May 20, 2016
Dear Editor, Rachael Ray, alumna of Lake George, N.Y., cooked, entertained and gave back to over 400 admiring fans, mentors, lifelong friends and family in her high school auditorium on April 29 for her 14th annual cooking show to raise money for the school and town she calls home. At the start of the show,…