On March 8, 2017

Open letter to VPIRG on wind


You asked for comments on the wind sound rules you would like to see in place. Since this is such an important issue to all Vermonters and your website wouldn’t receive comments, I had to seek other avenues to comment. These are statements you made to which I couldn’t help but respond.

“Wind power is now the cheapest form of renewable energy.” That is because the ratepayer and taxpayer pick up the tab. Doesn’t Hydro Quebec come in at about half the cost of wind power? It also doesn’t require blowing up our ridge lines and sadly destroying our national forest.

“VPIRG hired an expert witness to participate in the Public Service Board proceedings on the issue of wind sound.” It’s hard to believe that an expert witness could remain unbiased when paid by an organization involved in the proceedings. Most Vermonters are at a monetary disadvantage.

“Sound of wind farms does not pose a public health threat.” Could you please divulge the dates, places and length of time spent visiting wind farm neighbors to experience firsthand what they are experiencing? If you want to compile fair evidence, it would seem this is a good place to start. To avoid visiting these sites would seem to be running from the truth. “The Board both reduced the sound limit and made many key parts of the standard much more restrictive than Maine’s which could make projects impossible to build.” If a project destroys one’s health and happiness in their home and on their property, it shouldn’t be built. The 40 dBA standard you advocate ignores Germany’s standard of 35 dBA nighttime standard and Denmark’s 37 to 42 standard range.

The old rule “One man’s rights end where another’s begins” applies here.Please put Vermonters’ best interests back in your organization’s mission statement.

Kathy Hepburn Halford

Wallingford, Vt.

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