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Abusive Speed Trap

July 7, 2016
Dear Editor, On, July 4, my wife, an extremely careful driver who has never received a speeding ticket in her life, was driving on 100 South in Plymouth at the posted speed limit of 50 m.p.h., when suddenly she passed a 35 m.p.h. speed limit posted without previous warning on the same road—with a police…

Bill Lee marks the resurgence of the Liberty Union Party

July 7, 2016
Dear Editor, The 2016 gubernatorial candidacy of Bill Lee marks the resurgence of the Liberty Union Party as the main voice of progressive conscience and thought in state politics as the Vermont Progressive Party has lost that distinction due to recent ill-advised decisions and bad campaign strategies in their attempts to collaborate with the establishment…

Team Romulous and the return of Timothy Leary

June 30, 2016
Dear Editor, Last Wednesday, June 15, at The Local in Rutland, Team Romulous raised money for animal cruelty investigations against a background of outrageous music by Rick Redington & the Luv with Swamp Cabbage. Founder Walter Parks and Rick generously donated their time for our cause. In his column last week in the Mountain Times,…

Killington Select Board faux pas

June 30, 2016
Dear Editor, At the Killington select board meeting, Tuesday, June 21, Ms. Kathryn Bellis whose husband was killed in an accident involving Craig Mosher’s bull July 31, 2015, was allowed to speak at the meeting during citizens input. What she said was for the most part a direct quote, from the letter that appeared in the…

Reflecting on 13 years of Music in the Meadow

June 23, 2016
Dear Editor, When my husband and I moved to Chester in March of 2001 on a very snowy day it was impossible to really appreciate the meadow we had acquired. By the middle of April we were able to walk the property. As we were coming back to the house I mentioned to him what…

Deliberate surprise is undemocratic

June 23, 2016
Dear Editor, The majority of the citizens who I hear oppose the refugee relocation program for Rutland are afraid to speak up or be branded “phobes” and bigots . . . nasty politics. The people are not opposed to humanitarian efforts or persons of cultural difference. It’s the lack of democratic process that angers them.…

Strike Out Hunger a successful fundraiser

June 23, 2016
I would like to thank everyone who bowled or made donations for the Strike Out Hunger Benefit Bowl, held on Friday, June 3. Together, we raised $1,726 for the Rutland Meals Challenge! This is enough money for us to package an additional 6,904 meals for local community dinner programs, food pantries and the Vermont Food…

Rainy town-wide tag sale, still a success

June 23, 2016
Dear Editor, A big thank you to Amy Morrison for all of her help with organizing the town-wide tag sale and to the KPAA for the space.  Though the weather was less than perfect on June 11, the sale was somewhat of a success and we hope to make it an annual event. Again, thanks to…

Justice, vengeance, and personal responsibility

June 23, 2016
Dear Editor, Ms. Bellis certainly has my sympathy for the loss of her husband. As she stated in her letter to the editor last week, not only did she lose her husband but also her best friend. No one can deny the gravity of such a loss. But I question her characterization of Craig Mosher…

Rural Vermont questions criminal charges against Mosher

June 23, 2016
Dear Editor, In response to the state of Vermont’s criminal charges of involuntary manslaughter, a criminal charge that could carry up to a 15-year prison sentence, against Craig Mosher, the owner of a Scottish Highlander bull that escaped its pasture when a tree caused a fence failure, leading to a tragic car crash and the…

Welcoming our Syrian neighbors

June 15, 2016
By Lawrence G. Jensen In just a few months, the first Syrian refugees may begin to arrive in Rutland, and as they settle in they will be far removed from the culture and places they have known as their home. Good neighbors and strong communities welcome newcomers and provide a friendly environment that meets their…

Understanding the budget 

June 15, 2016
By Andrew A. Pallito It is the end of another legislative session and the beginning of another campaign season.  As with all campaign seasons, the State’s budget will likely become a topic of debate and conversation. Vermont, unlike most states, does not have a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget. However, Vermonters still expect fiscal responsibility…

Rutland blossoms with collaboration

June 15, 2016
By Steve Costello When the idea for Rutland Blooms first blossomed, we never could have dreamed of what it would become or the impact it would have in the City of Rutland. Its success is emblematic of the larger story of Rutland’s rebirth, born of unprecedented collaboration. Starting with the restoration of the Paramount Theatre…

Rutland Rec efforts exemplify the best of our community

June 15, 2016
Dear Editor, Today I was standing on my porch watching the Rutland Recreation Department employees mowing the “park” created on reclaimed lands of the former National Guard facility on North Street Extension. What a great job done by Cindi Wight’s staff in making the absolute best of a wonderful piece of property in a safe…

The owner of a pet bull repeatedly turned a blind eye to public safety and animal protection

June 15, 2016
Dear Editor, On July 31, 2015, at approximately 10:10 p.m. an 1,800-pound pet bull was standing in the darkness of the westbound lane of Route 4 in Killington. What was the bull doing there? To answer this and many other disturbing questions, residents, farmers, tourists and elected officials are encouraged to read the state’s “Notice of Intent…