On May 3, 2017

Green Up Killington

Dear Editor,

May 6, 2017, is the official Green Up Day in Vermont. Free bags are available at the Killington Town Hall, so please begin ASAP! Signup sheet to list the streets you are greening up is on the Town Clerk’s counter. The annual thank you BBQ for volunteers will be held in the back parking lot of the Killington Road firehouse from 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

There’s lots of debris that fell onto our roadsides over the past winter that needs to be picked up. Please everyone help and make a big job easy. Please take your bags and roadside debris to the dump on River Road for free disposal on May 6, 8, or May 13!

Killington Mountain School has already signed up to Green Up the entire Killington Road on Wednesday, May 10. Thank you so much for taking on this important stretch!

There are about 40 other miles, however, that still need volunteers’ help. Please sign up and plan to take part in this important Vermont tradition.


Deb Burke, Killington

Deb Burke is the Town of Killington Green Up Chairperson (for over 20 years)

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