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Pawlet second community clean up a success

May 3, 2017
Dear Editor, On April 29, the Bennington-Rutland Supervisory Union’s Currier Memorial School in Danby, Vt., and the Mettawee Community School in West Pawlet, Vt.,  held their 2nd Annual “Community Clean Up.” Thanks to Casella Waste Management and ACE Carting Services for the generous donations of waste containers for these communities to access. Casella’s has never…

Let’s take the long view

April 26, 2017
Dear Editor, Is it just the nature of the institution that the Legislature tends to focus on issues that have or are about to become crises? We seem to have a new annual tradition in Vermont; each year we face a “budget gap” with insufficient revenue to meet the projected budget for our current level…

Rep. Jim Harrison introduces himself to Rutland-Windsor-1

April 26, 2017
Scott appoints new representative for Bridgewater, Chittenden, Killington and Mendon Dear Editor, Job Tate, who has served as our state representative in Montpelier for the past few years, has resigned due to a pending overseas deployment as part of his naval reserve in service to our country. I want to thank Job Tate for his…

What Vermont can’t afford

April 19, 2017
Dear Editor, Every year, Vermont gives away tens of millions of dollars to high-income taxpayers while cutting services for Vermonters who are struggling the most to make ends meet. Yet it is clear that Vermonters, as shown by their votes for national officeholders, don’t support this kind of approach to revenue generation and budgeting. We…

Save the planet—go vegan

April 19, 2017
Dear editor, As thousands across the U.S. get ready to protest environmental budget cuts, each of us can also help with our driving, our recycling, and our diet. Yes, our diet. A 2010 United Nations report blames animal agriculture for 70 percent of global freshwater use, 38 percent of land use, and 19 percent of…

Local rules for local schools

April 12, 2017
Dear editor, Earl Butz was Richard Nixon’s Secretary of Agriculture and was famous for telling farmers to “get big or get out.” He was responsible for rolling back many New Deal era policies that insulated farmers from the vagaries of the market and nature’s sometimes capricious moods. Farming began its perilous decline from stewardship rooted…

Nursing asst. wants to unionize

April 12, 2017
Dear Editor, People ask me why I work as a licensed nursing assistant (LNA) for a living. It’s for my patients. I give each patient my all, but with understaffing my all isn’t enough. Our patients deserve the best care we have to offer, but right now I can’t provide that. Patient care and safety…

Vermont Farmers Food Center as a peacemaker

April 5, 2017
Dear Editor, Last weekend, the UN came to the Saturday Winters Farmers Market in Rutland. Actually, the Vermont Farmers Food Center (VFFC) hosted the “Grace Initiative” also called “Initiative for Governance, Reconciliation and Coexistence,” a nonprofit founded by Yvonne Lodico of Manchester. Governance, reconciliation and coexistence are interdependent and sustain each component for inclusive and…

Vote “No” on Model 1

April 5, 2017
Dear Editor, I am a full-time resident of Rochester and would like to continue living here. A decade ago, nobody in town believed we would lose our high school, but the issue was raised due to the decline in the number of students and now it’s inevitable. This upcoming merger would, realistically, put us at…

Congrats to House Democrats

April 5, 2017
Dear Editor, Congratulations to the Democrats in the Vermont House of Representatives for coming up with a budget that got the support of all but one member who voted on it! The House Democratic Caucus made hard choices to protect Vermont families. This was not an easy budget process. It was made more difficult by the looming federal budget disaster. It was also made more…

Thanks for affordable senior pass

April 5, 2017
Dear Editor, As most of you know, or at least some of you, I have been lobbying Killington for a Senior Residents Pass at a price which us retirees could afford. This past week Killington came out with their new prices for the coming season. Not only did they make the Senior pass affordable, but…

Rochester deserves better

March 29, 2017
Dear Editor, In regards to the proposed consolidation Model 1: Given the fact that since the formation of the Rochester Bethel Royalton study committee began to meet on June 13, 2016, they held approximately 13 official committee meetings. Of those meetings, seven were in Royalton, five were in Bethel and one  was in Rochester, held…

Vote “no” for Model 1, Rochester school consolidation

March 29, 2017
Dear Editor, It’s going to be sad to not have a high school in Rochester. To review, closing of the Rochester High School seems inevitable. The proposed Model 1, soon coming up for a vote on Tuesday, April 11, in the communities of Rochester, South Royalton and Bethel, would leave the area with one middle…

Residents thank volunteer firefighters

March 29, 2017
Dear Editor, To the volunteer firemen and women of Proctorsville, Cavendish, Ludlow, Springfield, Chester, Reading, Weston, Mount Holly, Ascutney, Walpole, and Weathersfield who rallied to our house in the early hours of Feb. 15 to fight our house fire we are eternally grateful. Through your efforts you were able to control an inferno and save…

Thanks for supporting Habitat for Humanity

March 29, 2017
Dear Editor, I am writing to thank Killington voters for supporting Article 6 of our town budget. Article 6 allocates $500 to Habitat for Humanity of Rutland County. Rutland Habitat is a non-profit organization with no paid staff. Every dollar donated goes directly to the cost of building affordable housing in Rutland County. Habitat is…