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Extent of racist groups in America is overblown

August 31, 2017
Dear Editor, Anyone watching the network news lately would think that Adolph Hitler, the entire Nazi Army and a legion of Civil War Reconstruction Klansmen had risen from from the dead and invaded the United States. I have never seen so much outlandish hysteria perpetrated by the media in my entire life. In trying to…

Live, let live and enjoy

August 31, 2017
Dear Editor, Throughout the ages many attempts have been made to revise history. Some, such as the burning of books, have had mild success in encouraging some and intimidating others to join in the hateful venture. Others have bred the spreading of false or modified reports of events by way of angry opinion in ways…

Vote “yes” on fire department bond

August 31, 2017
Dear Editor, Lately much has been made about the cost of the proposed land purchase for the new Public Safety Building. Having been on the Firehouse Committee I can state unequivocally the committee exhausted all possible sites available with the criteria of land cost, development cost, and location along with other more specific criteria within…

A bloated firehouse

August 31, 2017
Dear Editor, The following is in no way to disparage those who put in their effort to select a site, nor negotiate the sale price for the proposed firehouse. The following are facts we the citizens need to consider. An acre of land is 43,560 square feet, times 4 it equals 174,240 square feet. Fifty…

KMS head introduces changes for school year

August 23, 2017
Dear Editor, Many of you will recall that two years ago KMS received our first accreditation from the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. As part of that accreditation process, KMS is required to submit two-and five-year reports. What they didn’t mention is how amazing everyone here is to work with, and what a…

Have you been charged for a mammography screening?

August 16, 2017
Dear Editor, Thousands of Vermonters follow their doctors’ advice and get an annual mammogram screenings. About 10 percent the time, they will get called back for an additional views.  Being told that you have to come back for more views can be stressful, but most of the time, it should not lead to additional cost…

Why no plastic bag ban in Vermont?

August 9, 2017
Dear Editor, I recently learned that no Vermont town has a plastic bag ban. Given that Vermont has been an environmental leader since the 70s, I was surprised and disappointed. After living for 35 years in Vermont, my husband and I moved to Lee, Massachusetts in 2011, to be closer to grandchildren. We chose the…

Killington lack of services unwelcoming

July 26, 2017
Dear Editor, Does Vermont really welcome tourists? We happened to visit Killington recently and as we passed through Killington we decided to stop at a local general store for snacks and we both needed to use the restroom. Guess what? The store had a rest room for employees only and I was told to use…

Thanks for the 29th annual Great Brandon Auction

July 26, 2017
Dear Editor, From sun-up to sun-down (yes this rainy spring gave us perfect weather for the day) on Tuesday, July 18, Brandon was a-glow with donors, volunteers, bidders and buyers at the 29th Great Brandon Auction. After unloading our spiffy “Auction Storage Trailer” and organizing the donations that poured out from storage areas, barns, cars,…

Principal reflects on successful school year

July 20, 2017
Dear Editor, As summer has arrived and we have time to reflect on another school year, there are many great things that our staff and students did here at Poultney High School, and I would like to highlight just a few of them. This year, Poultney High School was one of a handful of Vermont…

Concern over Woodstock roadwork

July 20, 2017
Editor’s note: the following letter was submitted to the Woodstock Select Board and has been edited for clarity.  Dear Editor, What company starts early on weekends with no permits around wet lands and brooks? The zoning administrator is on vacation and the state offices and town hall are closed. I am the only abutting neighbor,…

Rochester voter challenges conduct of school board

July 20, 2017
Dear Editor, Rochester voters – Here are the facts: Early February 2017 Fact 1: The filing at Rochester Town Clerk’s office of a Petition for Article for the 2017 Rochester Annual Town School Meeting. The petition was filed within the Vermont state deadline with the required number of Rochester voter signatures. Fact 2: The text…

Please be cautious with language

July 12, 2017
Dear Editor, Julia Purdy writes in her piece “Conserving lands, healing people” published in the July 5-11 edition: “They became part of the progressive movement to de-institutionalize the mentally ill and offer them meaningful lives in community settings.” I am not sure what she meant, but the vast majority of people dealing with a mental…

Scholarship golf tourney was a success

July 12, 2017
Dear Editor, The Ted Bridges Scholarship Hospitality Golf Tournament was held in June under sunny skies. Chris Karr, owner of The Foundry on the Killington Access Road, and his crew once again organized the event. Bobby Peterson was his usual jovial self in bringing it together. The day was capped off with a delicious buffet…

Fletcher Farm School thanks community

July 12, 2017
Dear Editor, The Board of Directors of Fletcher Farm School for the Arts & Crafts wishes to express its gratitude to all local businesses for their generous donations. The school received many fabulous items and gift certificates for their 70th Anniversary Celebration, making it a great success, despite the New England weather surprise. The school…