On April 8, 2020

Non-essential medical practices take away from capacity

Dear Editor,

We are in an intense fight to defeat the Coronavirus; to reduce passing it around and deaths.  If we really want to beat it, then we have to work together.  So here is my concern.

First, a tiny list of some of what I believe the medical community considers part of essential health care.

1)  A person has appendicitis; if the appendix bursts the poisons go in to the body and poisons them to death.  So perform an appendectomy.

2)  A person has blocked intestines.  Again, a possible problem with bursting and death resulting.

3)  A person has been in an accident and they have internal bleeding and broken bones.

4)  A person has a brain tumor causing a life threatening situation.

Like I said – a tiny list but you get the picture.  But I would add to this – a pregnant woman is suffering a life threatening situation because of the pregnancy and medical advice is to end the pregnancy.  Some may wish to do it by abortion or by the mainstream conventional medical way — deliver the baby. Note: Abortions performed for the sake of the mother’s health only constitute about 1% of abortions according to the CDC and Planned Parenthood’s annual reports.

We have heard of so many other medical places assisting at this time with medical personnel and supplies. In some states, veterinarians are donating masks and ventilators.  The military are really assisting. These are just a couple of the many, many groups helping out in any way that they can.

So why are facilities who offer abortions still performing non-essential abortions?  Or should I say being allowed to? If they stopped the non-essential abortions, their medical personnel could take on assisting at the hospitals where staff need all the help they can get!  Also, some of their medical supplies could help, too! After all, it is mostly the American taxpayers’ dollars that have purchased these supplies. If you agree with this, please call our governor and let him know that non-essential abortions should be stopped at this time. Gov. Scott’s phone number is 802-828-3333.

I wish everyone good health and thank you for being such a great state/country where when the going gets tough, the tough get going.


Louise S. Doyle,
St. Albans

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