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The pot industry is misleading

November 21, 2018
Dear Editor, Thank you for publishing the opinions of Vermont physicians in your recent Nov. 7 issue. Vermont Society represents the majority of Vermont doctors and healthcare providers who recognize the harmful effects of cannabis inhalation or ingestion individually and collectively for public health and individual well-being. I personally found attorney Steuben’s comments concerning and…

The good part of Thanksgiving

November 21, 2018
Dear Editor, While President Trump is pardoning two turkeys for Thanksgiving, everyone of us can exercise that same presidential power by choosing a non-violent Thanksgiving observance. Here are some good reasons: You can brag about pardoning a turkey – like Trump (or not). You will stay awake for your entire favorite football game. Your sensible…

Halloween help

November 9, 2018
Dear Editor, On Halloween, Wednesday, Oct. 31 the Pittsford Recreation Department welcomed over 200 trick or treaters and their families to the annual Lothrop PTO Trunk or Treat. I would like to thank the Pittsford Fire Department Boo Mobile, Pittsford First Response, Pittsford Police Department and 300-plus VT Police Academy Cadets, Lothrop Principal Debbie Alexander,…

Remembering WWI, 100 years ago

November 9, 2018
Dear Editor, It was at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month 100 years ago in 1918 that World War I, “the war to end all wars,” ended. It is with honor that we as a nation stand together every year on Nov. 11 to recognize the women and men who…

Quarry story lacks facts

October 18, 2018
Dear Editor, We only recently were made aware of the article “Glimmerstone Quarry future hangs in the balance” by Julia Purdy. This article is so erroneous and one-sided that the 1,000 word limit in the comments section online did not allow full clarification of its egregious flaws. We would like the opportunity to correct the…

Marijuana legalization will affect road safety

May 10, 2018
Dear Editor, Drivers impaired by opioids, cocaine, marijuana and other drugs pose a threat to every Vermonter and visitor that drive our highways. On July 1, Vermont will become the ninth state to legalize recreational marijuana. Even proponents of legalization acknowledge that driving while high on marijuana is unwise and unsafe. There also is universal…

Cleanup was a success

May 10, 2018
Dear Editor, Thank you to Casella Waste Management as well as to Southwestern VT Sales Coordinator Lisa Hotchkiss for her amazing customer service and communication that was outstanding through every facet of our third annual Community Clean Up  in the towns of Danby and Mount Tabor. Its donation has significantly impacted these communities as a…

Select Board should be more thrifty with spending

April 18, 2018
Dear Editor, Thanks to the previous Killington Select Board (Patty, Chris and Ken) I now have to pay $50 more per month towards my mortgage escrow account. I previously voted not to change the bi-annual tax collection to quarterly. Now that the quarterly annual tax collection is now changed to an “odd” three time annual…

Proposed U.S. House Farm Bill would worsen hunger for Vermonters

April 18, 2018
Dear Editor, On April 12, the House released a draft of the Farm Bill that aims to significantly erode nutrition programs that support millions of Americans, including SNAP (known in Vermont as 3SquaresVT), our nation’s largest hunger-relief program that helps 75,000 Vermonters feed themselves and their families. The House Farm Bill endangers the long-term bipartisan…

Attention required to prevent child abuse

April 12, 2018
Dear Editor, Governor Phil Scott signed a proclamation for Child Abuse Prevention Month on April 3. I appreciate the ceremony at the Statehouse and the attention that it draws to the need that every child has, to be loved and safely nurtured. Every child, every day requires at least one adult who provides that love…

Green Mountain National deserves fair hearing

April 12, 2018
Dear Editor, As many have heard recently, the town of Killington via the Select Board is entertaining bringing in an out-of-state management company to take over operations at Green Mountain National Golf Club. It’s no secret the town owned golf course has had financial challenges due to long-standing debt arrangements and the short Vermont golf…

To recuse or not to recuse

April 12, 2018
Dear Editor, It has come to my attention that a certain self proclaimed “political junkie” is castigating our newly elected Selectman Jim Haff for involvement in reorganizing the operational management of the Green Mountain National Golf Course (GMNGC). He states that Mr. Haff has an agenda regarding GMNGC and thus should recuse himself from any…

Pot bill endangers children

February 1, 2018
Dear Editor, Governor Scott has signed H.511, making Vermont the first state, by legislative process, to legalize pot for recreational use. On July 1, it will be permissible to possess one ounce of pot and store an unlimited quantity harvested from two mature plants. If the governor’s oft expressed requirement that children must be protected in…

CSJ Provider Program looking for work

February 1, 2018
Dear Editor, Over the past week, College of St. Joseph students arrived back on campus after their winter holiday break and began adjusting to their new class schedules. In addition to classes, students are gearing up for another successful semester of giving back to their local community. Within CSJ’s Provider Scholarship Program, students are required…

Removing trees threatens property

February 1, 2018
Dear Editor, I stopped by Michael Brands’ office Tuesday, Jan. 18, to find out about what is being done about the dangerous situation I am being placed in, with all the trees being cut, removed and butchered along the river bank abutting my home on the Ottauquechee River. Now I have ice blocks the size…