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Bail out Main Street, not Wall Street

April 22, 2020
Dear Editor, First, a little history: 2008 saw the worst financial crisis in this country since the Great Depression. In response to the economic devastation, congress enacted the Troubled Asset Relief Program to bail out America’s big banks, to the tune of $700 billion. Today, with the coronavirus pandemic hitting small businesses harder than anybody…

Isolation day

April 22, 2020
Dear Editor, I felt like an imaginary, old fashioned Italian woman today. I decided it was time to pack away the big, heavy down comforter as deep winter is over in Vermont. So, I filled my big bath tub with lots of soap, bleach and hot water. Then I submerged the queen sized white comforter…

Prison should not be a Covid-19 death sentence

April 22, 2020
Dear Editor, Covid-19 is impacting families all across Vermont and the nation. We have known from the beginning that group living settings are particularly susceptible to rapid infection. We have seen in other countries and states that the outcome of not taking strong preventative measures in prisons is a spike in cases of infection. We…

Understanding public vs. private

April 22, 2020
Dear Editor, From Ayn Rand to Ronald Reagan, America’s conservative heroes have preached “public is bad, private is good.” Yet public means “accessible to or shared by all members of the community,” while private means “intended for or restricted to the use of a particular person, group, or class.”  We’re paying a great price for…

Saluting the forgotten heroes

April 15, 2020
Dear Editor, The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a global shift in how we function as a society. From quarantine orders, to face masks, to social distancing, we are all getting used to the “new normal.” However, there are two sectors, quietly working in the background, almost invisible to the public, but which are the basis…

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

April 15, 2020
Dear Editor, April is Child Abuse Prevention Month across the country. This unprecedented time for all Vermonters brings out the best in us all and also can elevate the risk for child abuse, domestic violence and increased substance abuse. Stress is a factor we as Vermonters are doing and can do a lot to decrease…

Celebrate Earth Day with plant-based eating

April 15, 2020
Dear Editor, With the 50th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22, we are already reducing our carbon footprint during the pandemic by curtailing travel. But we can do so much more by cutting our consumption of animal meat and milk products. A recent article in the respected journal Nature argues that animal agriculture is…

Non-essential medical practices take away from capacity

April 8, 2020
Dear Editor, We are in an intense fight to defeat the Coronavirus; to reduce passing it around and deaths.  If we really want to beat it, then we have to work together.  So here is my concern. First, a tiny list of some of what I believe the medical community considers part of essential health…

Yankee ingenuity

April 8, 2020
Dear Editor, Listen, people!  Vermonters have what it takes! We don’t run from problems, we run TO them. For generations we have prepared for this. Our tendency is to be courteous and law-abiding. We give each other space, naturally (and by the same token we don’t like to be pushed). We embody “Yankee ingenuity” —…

Ludlow to launch Black River Independent School

April 8, 2020
Dear Editor, The time is now for our Black River community. We are ready to make a big move. You have been hearing from us for three years now, in some form, about our mission to open an independent school in Ludlow, to serve any area student, tuition-free. A school whose independent status will allow…

Thank you WUMHS teachers, staff

April 1, 2020
Dear Editor, Everyone is having to deal with disruptions to their daily lives in light of the COVID-19 crisis. Many of us are out of work, or adjusting to working from home. Families of school-aged children especially are going through major changes right now. Parents are having to be teachers as well as moms and…

Killington Active Seniors thanks community for support

April 1, 2020
Dear Editor, On behalf of the Killington Active Seniors, I would like to thank the many people who have reached out to offer help and support to us in these unusual times. I would particularly like to acknowledge the Killington Locals Group on Facebook who contacted me early on. I remember thinking that we should…

Mass logging must be stopped in GMNF

April 1, 2020
Dear Editor, Unless activists stop the plan, thousands of acres of Green Mountain National Forest near Killington and Mount Snow will be logged. “They are coming hard with the chainsaws to Green Mountain National Forest,” said Chris Matera, a civil engineer and founder of Massachusetts Forest Watch, a citizens group formed to protect New England public…

F-35s over ventilators

April 1, 2020
Dear Editor, While Vermont communities were watching for signs the federal government would help them weather the current public health issues, 130 federal legislators had their sights set on something else. These members of Congress had the audacity to jointly petition the House Armed Services Committee, just four days after the White House declared a…

Letter to the readers of the Mountain Times

March 25, 2020
Local businesses that benefit from events and the recreational opportunities here in central Vermont, are a big part of the Mountain Times. Our pages are typically chock-full of photos and news related to the ongoings throughout our region — many of which happen at Killington, Pico and Okemo Mountains this time of year. However, due to…