Trick-or-treaters lean out of a car in Pittsford for the Trunk-or-Treat event, Oct. 31.
Dear Editor,
A huge thank you does not cover how grateful I am as a Pittsford community member. On Saturday, Oct. 31, the Pittsford Community came together to create a safe, fun, amazing drive-through Trunk or Treat! The amount of smiles (under their masks) and thank yous from the children and adults was wonderful.
Without the Town of Pittsford, Pittsford Fire Department, Pittsford Police, Pittsford First Response, Maclure Library, and Lothrop School working together, this would not have been possible. Many businesses donated candy for this event: Vermont Country Store, Gecha Fuels, CVS, Pittsford Auto, and Maclure Library saved the day by purchasing more candy when we were starting to run out! Brandon Blue Seal donated our big scoops for the candy. Individuals donated candy as well: Sarah Graham, Mary Desforges, Courtney Forrest, Hilary Mullin, Samantha Jackson, Donna Hendee, Debbie Alexander, Shelly Williams, Stephanie Jerome, and Barbara Hooker. The amazing trunks from community members were so appreciated: Angela Greeno, Marble Valley Grange, Village Farm Sprouts, Maclure Library, Jennifer Tinsman, Kristie Adams, and Stephanie Jerome. Special Thank you to Thom Hooker, Bill Hemple, Daren & Sandy Laughlin, Jason and Katie Davis, Tony Lockwood and Pittsford Fire Department/First Response for their displays. Debbie Alexander-Lothrop Principal and Shelly Williams-Maclure Library Director scooped candy and brought smiles all night! Thank you to Winning Image for the signs. I apologize if I missed your name to thank you but know your contribution was appreciated. I love what we can do together as a community, please consider a donation to Pittsford Fire Department or Maclure Library if you enjoyed the event.
Kelly Connaughton
Lothrop Elementary PTO, Pittsford