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The Summit Lodge Resort and O’Dwyer’s Pub to reopen early December

September 16, 2020
Dear Editor, I would like to correct your statement in relation to the Summit Lodge Resort’s press release. Your paper incorrectly stated: “Summit Lodge owner Emmett O’Dwyer issued a statement explaining that O’Dwyer’s Bar & Restaurant, which started operating in early August, will close and remain closed through the ski season out of an abundance…

You’re never too old to learn

September 16, 2020
Dear Editor, Lisa earned her high school diploma at age 59 this past June. Born in Vermont, her education was interrupted due to an unplanned pregnancy. Lisa spent 20 years working as a nurse’s aide and raising her two children before being sidelined by a career-ending back injury. “I was sitting at home. I knew…

Mail-in voting for all

September 9, 2020
Dear Editor, Voting by mail should replace voting at the polls in its entirety.  The two institutions that can definitely be trusted is the County Board of Elections and the United States Postal Service.  The money saved by eliminating the need for poll workers could be used to offer free postage on the envelopes used…

Vote for Stephanie Jerome

September 9, 2020
Dear Editor, I am encouraging my fellow voters in Brandon, Sudbury and Pittsford to cast one of their two votes for State Representative for Stephanie Jerome when you submit your November ballot. Stephanie Jerome has been a quick study during her first term in Montpelier — definitely serving our three towns, and all of Vermont,…

Open letter to Legislators from the Vermont Food Security Coalition

September 9, 2020
Dear Legislators: Thank you for investing federal Coronavirus relief funds to support people in Vermont struggling to put food on the table. We appreciate those investments made during the summer legislative session, and want you to know they have been used well. They are an important first step in what we know will be a…

Karr Group maintains high safety standards for employees

September 9, 2020
Dear Editor, I am writing in response to an email sent this afternoon, questioning the risk of Covid-19 exposure that a member our staff might be posing to our community. I am the General Manager of The Karr Group, and have spent much of my summer weighing the heavy questions of risk and safety, in…

The Global Warming “Solutions” Act is bad climate policy—Governor, please veto it

September 2, 2020
Dear Editor, The Vermont Legislature is about to give its final approval to a bill called “The Global Warming Solutions Act.” Needless to say, the bill, H.688, does not solve global warming. In fact, the bill is downright bad climate policy because it prioritizes emissions reductions over environmental protection. The bill: Establishes targets for the…

Act 250 modernization bill strikes a good balance

September 2, 2020
Dear Editor, In 1970, when Governor Deane Davis signed Act 250 into law, he advanced a vision shared by Vermonters who wanted to protect Vermont’s unique cultural and historic ties to the land by addressing the environmental impacts of development, while allowing for economic prosperity. Now, 50 years later, many still hold that vision of…

Legislature: don’t rush to amend Act 250

September 2, 2020
Dear Editor, One of the brilliant features of the original Act 250 lets the public have a real voice in the proceedings of an Act 250 permit application. No other state or local permit proceeding allows such meaningful participation. The Legislature is now considering H.926, changes to Act 250. Among other things, H.926 will reduce…

Optimism for a resilient Vermont

September 2, 2020
Dear Editor, I am optimistic about our future. We are experiencing two societal traumas, one new and one as old as our history, which will either make us stronger or pull us further apart. I choose to engage with the challenges before us and work with you to improve the systems that lie at the…

Defining ‘Vermont Strong’

September 2, 2020
Dear Editor, I’d like to tell a story that I’ve never told in print before. I’ve written hundreds of policy-oriented pieces for local and national newspapers, but I’ve never told this story because it’s very personal. I’m telling it now because I want everyone to know what guides me and directs my work. This traumatic…

Support cultured meat alternative

August 26, 2020
Dear Editor, Readers who care about animal welfare should ask U.S. Senators Pat Leahy and Bernie Sanders to support federal funding for cultured-meat research. Cultured meat is grown from cells, without slaughtering nonhumans. It has the potential to eliminate unimaginable levels of suffering. After all, we kill tens of billions of land animals and over…

Cavacas announces candidacy

August 26, 2020
Dear Editor, My name is Brittany Cavacas. I am writing this letter to formally announce my candidacy for the Vermont State Senate in Rutland County. I am running as an Independent. I feel that before you select a candidate, it is best to get to know that candidate first. When it comes to myself, I…

Merger will serve community better

August 26, 2020
Dear Editor, Congratulations to the Rutland Region Chamber and REDC for making the decision to finally merge the two organizations to better serve the business community and the greater-Rutland region. I’ve long thought they could provide improved services and become more efficient together, provided there was solid leadership at the top. Lyle Jepson is an…

Concerned about school reopening?

August 19, 2020
Consider an alternative way to earn a high school diploma Dear Editor, Vermont schools are preparing for September openings amid Covid-19. School administrators, in consultation with staff, families and public health officials, have been working hard to reinvent our educational systems in ways that provide students with rich learning, while keeping students, staff and the…