On August 31, 2016

Killington: A center of sportivity and creativity

By Marguerite Jill Dye
Killington is a Mecca for athletes where skiing, snowboarding, mountain biking, running, and hiking abound. Such “sportivities” (my invention and not in the dictionary) foster fitness, discipline, and competition and require goal setting and striving for excellence. Watching the exciting Olympic events on television and Killington’s full summer and year round sporting and fitness activities remind us of the great benefits of having healthy bodies and the pleasure of leading active lives.
Killington is also a haven to a dedicated, talented, and thriving community of artists, artisans, writers, and other creative people who turn inspiration into tangible, lasting forms of art. We recognize and value the vital role creativity plays in our lives and culture, and celebrate the joy, satisfaction, and wellbeing it provides. Creative arts expression develops intuition, visualization, imagination, and teaches unique approaches to problem solving, communicating emotions, and many other skills. It is an essential part of life and we are never too young or too old to create. It is no wonder that clusters of creative folk in beautiful and exciting places all over the world join together to provide strength, support, and encouragement to one another, and to share techniques, stimulation, success, and tribulation.
When I was 7 and first came to Vermont, Ann Wallen became my mentor and taught me that nature is our Muse. Because of Ann I am an artist and plein air (open air) painting, my passion. She taught me perspective as we painted a barn in the rain, how wildflowers span the color wheel, and watercolor-glazed sunsets in gold, pink, and purple. We often painted in the open air, inspired and surrounded by nature.
When Ann saw the need, she co-founded and became the first president of our non-profit community arts cooperative, the Killington Arts Guild. “It takes a village” and the KAG Gallery is given a beautiful space above Cabin Fever through the generosity of the Millers. Lauren Wilder honors Ann Wallen’s memory, offering Annie’s Painting Workshop at the Library.
Our mountains and valleys are alive with aesthetic inspiration and Killington is blessed to be one of those places where creativity pollinates, germinates, and grows. Whatever your age or experience, live creatively! Take a step beyond the everyday norm and pick up that pen or brush and sketch or paint your pet or mountain; stack those stones, rearrange a bouquet or garden plot, paint a room an enchanting color, or collect beautiful objects in nature. Sing a song, pluck that dusty guitar, dance around the room or in a patch of grass or woods.
“Creativity is contagious. Pass it on,” said Albert Einstein, who used his own creative inspiration to develop the theories of relativity, gravity, time travel, and light.
Local events to share your creativity
Share your artistic passion at the opening gala of the “Harvest Exhibit” on Friday, Sept. 2 from 5-7 p.m. in the Killington Arts Guild Gallery (2363 Rt. 4 across from Killington Road) where a table awaits your display of whatever you create.
The following week, on Saturday, Sept. 10 at 5:30 p.m. describe your creative passion at the Killington Salon, a pot luck Celebration of Creativity. RSVP: 422-3616.
Let’s come together to encourage and celebrate our creativity. It is good for Killington and good for the soul.

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