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The state of Social Security
June 15, 2022
By Kevin Theissen The Social Security trustees have issued their 2022 report to Congress, officially called “The 2022 Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Federal Disability Insurance Trust Funds.” It is also available to the public and presents the current and projected financial status of the…
Back in the saddle
June 15, 2022
By Merisa Sherman I was shaking from the inside out. I could feel it in my chest, my arms and legs and all the way into my fingers and toes. My heart was racing faster than if I had climbed Trail A up Killington. My voice came out raspy and I couldn’t catch my breath.…
School’s out…let’s play!
June 15, 2022
By Mary Ellen Shaw When I was a kid “back in the day” and the school year ended many of us recited the phrase, “No more pencils, no more books, no more teachers’ dirty looks!” We were free at last. We had been planning how we would spend our summer days long before that last…
Early days of Beauchamp & O’Rourke Pharmacy
June 9, 2022
By Mary Ellen Shaw I get to take a trip back in time whenever I stand at the counter of Beauchamp & O’Rourke Pharmacy on Woodstock Avenue in Rutland. To the right of the register is a photo from 1959 of the store owners, Fred Beauchamp and William O’Rourke, as well as the pharmacists who…
Family ski day on June 4th
June 8, 2022
By Merisa Sherman I could feel the wind in my hair, the sun on my face and hear the laughter of my friends nearby. You could feel the energy surrounding you, almost warmer than the sun, as sleepy people turned to offer each other hugs and mimosas. It reminded me of graduates waiting for their…
The last decade in stocks
June 8, 2022
By Kevin Theissen As recent economic news and conditions have focused on inflation, market downturns, oil prices, conflict and more, it is sometimes good to step back and look at the big picture. The last decade has given us one of the greatest bull markets in history. It also included market downturns. We came very…
Disrupting the flow
June 8, 2022
My son was flopping around the house this past weekend looking bored and dejected. I inquired about his mood and was met with a multitude of shrugs and mumbling. When pressed, he finally admitted that he was indeed bored and that no one was around to hang out with. I suggested that he play his…
Yellowthroats: little masked bandits
June 1, 2022
By Susan Shea “Witchity, witchity, witchity.” I know that common yellowthroats have returned to my neighborhood in spring when I hear that distinctive song. With luck, I’ll glimpse the striking male as he darts about the shrubbery. The common yellowthroat is one of North America’s most abundant warblers, nesting across Canada and the United States,…
The key to success starts outside
June 1, 2022
By Merisa Sherman How do you start your day? If you have been reading any self-help books or scrolling the internet lately, you might have seen a remarkable trend: The all-importance of the morning routine. They might all vary on the precise implementation of this routine and what is essential versus what is recommended, but…
Should you hire your child?
June 1, 2022
By Kevin Theissen Are you a business owner and thought about hiring your child? Well, you should. If you have children, especially teenagers, you should strongly consider putting them to work. The benefits are tremendous. First and foremost, the main benefit is to help your children develop a strong work ethic. You can teach your child,…
Craving: Part 1
June 1, 2022
An easier word to swallow than addiction? About 10 years ago, while waiting in line at the grocery store, someone walked past me holding a box of Pop-Tarts. Frosted with sprinkles. Experiencing an instant craving, I got out of line and hurried to the Pop-Tart aisle with the urgency of a forgotten food staple. Since…
A memorable exchange
June 1, 2022
By Dom Cioffi Sometimes, the most compelling exchanges happen at the strangest times. That was the case this past Sunday afternoon while I was walking on the golf course. No one was around and I had some time to kill, so I figured a quick round of golf by myself would be a good way…
Little loudmouths: How tiny animals make so much noise
May 25, 2022
From early spring through late summer, the air trills and croaks and buzzes and chirps with the sounds of nature’s little loudmouths. Mornings are full of birdsong; evenings are the domain of frogs and crickets. How do such little animals make so much noise? Let’s find out by looking at some of the sound-per-pound champions…
The experience of a lifetime
May 25, 2022
By Dom Cioffi I told my wife and son this past Christmas that all my presents were going to revolve around experiences; there would be no physical gifts. So, on Christmas morning, instead of finding boxes wrapped under the tree, they both found a bevy of envelopes tucked inside the branches. Inside each envelope was…
Recession in 2022?
May 25, 2022
By Kevin Theissen It has been an interesting start to the year, not only for stocks, but bonds have taken a hit too, leaving investors with fewer short-term options. The Fed’s stance, interest rates, high inflation, lockdowns in China, the Russia/Ukraine war, and fears of recession have all influenced this rough start for investors. The tech-heavy…