On July 10, 2015

Coaches’ corner: Inspiring stories have far-reaching affects

By Beth Roberts

I always feel a mix of emotions at the final meeting of a Body Transformation Challenge. The best part is the anticipation of their results and the hardest part is accepting that it is the final week we will work formally as a group.

The completion of the final measurements and tests is an exciting moment. The numbers give a sense of accomplishment in a measurable format. Just by looking at the group I knew they had succeeded and were on the right track but stepping on the scale and measuring their new fitter bodies to show them their accomplishments in numbers gives them the final push as they set out on their own.

I want to congratulate the group on many levels beyond the measurable results. They had the confidence and drive to get involved with the challenge and be held accountable in a very public setting. For six weeks they put effort into increasing their activity level while learning a new nutrition plan. They have inspired more people than they realize and helped others get started. As a coach I am approached constantly by people who have been following their stories. Words of encouragement and praise are offered and questions about how to duplicate their progress are asked. The challenge group touches more people’s lives than just their own, it raises the awareness in the community.

For this group it was just a beginning. When you see them around town congratulate, encourage and thank them for what they have done for themselves and others.

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