On June 4, 2015

Body Transformation Challenge: Week 1 Reflections

Barb Wood

The first week of something different is always a bit of a challenge. You are stepping out of a rut that has taken control of your life. In my case it was a mostly sedentary life for the last 25 years. I didn’t like what I saw in the mirror and just spiraled down ever so slowly. A couple of pounds each year over the course of your adult life really adds up by the time you hit 50!

There is nothing easy, casual or happenstance about a healthy lifestyle. It takes courage, grit, determination, support… and a lot of focus. It is hard work to stay in shape, but even harder to get there. Your heart knows what needs to be done, but the brain is the master of excuses. You need to shut the brain off and follow your heart.

I can do this; and not just for this six-week challenge. I like working out at Fusion Fitness with Amy Lewis. Her evening classes work with my schedule. Having a variety of exercises is key.

Chandler Burgess

I am excited about the Body Transformation Challenge. I actually started making a focused effort to address my weight and fitness Feb. 15. On Feb. 15 I stepped on a scale and weighed a hulking 276 lbs. While I am not ashamed of what I weighed it is an issue that needs to be addressed. My family has a history of high blood pressure, gout and arthritis, and all of these conditions are irritated by being over weight and unhealthy. Its been a long and fun journey putting all this extra weight on, now it time to start a new adventure of taking and keeping the extra weight off.

Meg Dennison

It helps tremendously to use the “Lose It!” app not just to track calories, but to see the nutrient breakdown of what I’m eating and simply to give me a reality check of what I’m actually eating — not just what I think I sort of remember what I ate…  Also, I gave hot yoga another chance last week —I don’t like being hot! My first visit was uncomfortable, but I enjoyed the second class much more and plan to go once or twice this week.

Jim Haff

I started my diet about a week before the Challenge by cutting down on Coca-Cola. Turns out that added up to about six to eight 20 oz. bottles per day (or 1440-1920 calories). This past week, I have not had any soda at all, and no headaches!

My next step was going to the first BTC meeting with Beth Roberts for some running in place, squats, pushups, and a plank for as long as we could -— about 20 minutes of excercise and it killed me! I was hurting for the next two days.

By Saturday, I received and started the transformation suggested nutrition plan, figuring out what proteins, carbs and fat percentages work to get my daily total where it should be. I’ve never dieted like this before, always just eaten whatever and done normal activity but never in a gym. Now that I’m getting older, that no longer works. Two weeks in, I’ve dropped 10 pounds! I’m feeling better, working out at Pico and not hurting as much.

Suzanne Ellis – Leonard

My first week of the Body Transformation was educational to say the least! I learned about nutrition, carb cycling and Vemma Bode. I also have a greater appreciation for my TRX, suspension training, boot camp, interval training and Bikram yoga. I know for certain that my weight is down and my body is toning and transforming into my “athletic self!” I’ve learned to plan and organize for healthy eating and exercise which makes my day stressful and more enjoyable. Yes, I’m loving this experience!

Justin Restreppo

I wanted to have one final hoorah for my birthday last week before starting… now I’m ready to re-double my efforts! I’m ready for the challenge; I’m ready to transform.

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