On March 4, 2020

The planet is in an uproar

By Cal Garrison a.k.a. Mother of the Skye

This week’s horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Gemini Moon. I have decided to take the easy way out and talk about some of the aspects that are active right now. I say this is easier because all I have to do is look at a few highlights and explain a few things. Whenever I approach it this way, it turns out that I find all kinds of interesting tidbits, and this makes the business of writing the weekly intro way more interesting and exciting to me.

I don’t need to tell you that the planet is in an uproar. Between the insane political circus and the supposed threat of a global pandemic, human consciousness hovers between being mesmerized or fast asleep and exploding into a state of widespread panic. The sleepy ones just aren’t paying attention; their more excitable counterparts are buying into any brand of news that comes down the pipeline.

If the threat of a global pandemic is written in the stars, it might have something to do with a T-Square between Neptune, Pandora, and Tisiphone. Neptune rules a lot of things, but one of its main provinces is the place where viruses, bacteria, infestations, and epidemics hang out. Square to Pandora? Look at it this way; Pandora is “Pandora’s Box” – it’s a tiny little container that houses all of the world’s ills. The Neptune-Pandora square translates as, “You’re not going to like this but, guess what? We’ve got a pandemic on our hands.”

This aspect is made more intense by the secondary square and opposition to Tisiphone. I am willing to bet most of you have never heard of this asteroid, but Tisiphone is a heavy hitter who just so happens to be one of the Furies. Her place in the pantheon of gods and goddesses gave her permission to wreak vengeance on anyone whose crimes involved the destruction of kinship, the destruction of the family, and/or, the destruction of the “Mother.” Tisiphone is also a champ when it comes to punishing anyone who has gotten away with murder, or who has escaped more public forms of justice. There is plenty of food for thought here.

And what about any problem Tisiphone might have with the destruction of the “mother?” The power of the female is alive and kicking – there is no way to stop it. All we have to do is get our fingers out of the machinery and leave Mother Earth to her own devices. It’ll be interesting to see how things play out. Transiting Saturn will be scraping over the Tisiphone-Neptune midpoint between April-May 2020 and again through January 2021. This will take time, so sit back and watch the show. Saturn has a tendency to expose the bare bones of any situation. With Tisiphone making it impossible to escape justice, I have to say, I can’t wait till the truth finally comes to light.

I invite you to take what you can from this week’s ‘scopes.

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