Each one of us has the capacity to go with the flow. To look at something, then look away. If it doesn’t concern you, then no harm, no foul. Just keep doing what you were doing. As you were.
You draw your line.
You blur your line.
Then, sometimes, something happens that forces you to cross your line.
Something happens. Something changes. Something you thought was carved in stone. It could be a change of mind, a change of heart. It could be an event, an image, or something so shocking or wrong that you cannot look away. You cannot keep doing what you were doing. You cannot be as you were.
What was once complicated is now crystal clear. There is no turning back. The tables have turned. The rules have changed. Nothing is the same. You are not the same. No one is the same.
Maybe you’ve been afraid to face something head-on, not because you fear the outcome, but because you fear feeling your feelings about it.
Draw your line.
If you’ve been putting up with too much or not enough, blur your line.
If there is somewhere in your life where you’ve been asking for permission rather than forgiveness, cross your line.