On September 25, 2024

What does balance actually mean?

For the most part, it’s recommended to see a balanced perspective on things. The more points of view you take in, the more likely you’ll gain a well rounded approach to things. The consensus model can be aThat said, there has never been a time in history where we have been subjected to the opinions of other people, whether those opinions are worth being subject to or not. Some opinions are wise and thought provoking, some are provocative for algorithm purposes and others, just plain dumb.

Despite this, these opinions still seep into the subconscious even if we think they don’t. With so many screaming voices in the room, it can become ever so easy to get to a state of imbalance.

In an upside down world where the good guys have become the bad guys and the bad guys the good, it’s time to reassess what balance actually means. Sometimes, in order to do the right thing means having to do the hard thing. 

Nobody likes hard anymore.

This week, you have the opportunity to strike deep into the chord of what matters to you most. When it is all said and done, sometimes being balanced means taking the side you never even considered — your own.

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