On February 29, 2024

Tiffany Saltis to leave the Downtown Rutland Partnership

Tiffany Saltis, executive director of the Downtown Rutland Partnership since 2022, is leaving the organization in March 2024. She will return to the greater Burlington area to join the team at Ethos Veterinary Health, according to news release Feb. 27.

Since 2022, Saltis has made significant contributions to our organization’s growth and success, including expanding Friday Night Live to Merchants Row as well as building new relationships with sponsors and community partners. Her leadership, vision, and dedication to our mission have been instrumental in driving our success and identifying further opportunities.

“I believe the organization is poised for continued success, and I’m confident that the Downtown Rutland Partnership will excel with its mission and fulfill the needs of merchants, residents, workers and visitors alike,” said Saltis. “While I’m departing the Partnership, we’ve made sure to collaboratively identify immediate goals for the organization, and the DRP has a great blueprint heading into the future with actionable items. It’s very exciting. I’ve witnessed firsthand a renewed sense of pride and identity among community members, and that energy will be put to good use. Thank you, all, for the privilege of serving as the executive director. I look forward to seeing the continued success of the organization in the years to come, and you bet I’ll be at the Friday Night Live events!”

In the meantime, the Board of Directors’ leadership team will ensure that operations continue to run smoothly with Hali Issente, DRP staff. DRP remains focused on delivering its mission and serving downtown stakeholders, the DRP stated in a news release.

“The Board of Directors would like to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude to Tiffany for her commitment and contributions to our organization. We wish her all the best in her future endeavors,” said Katye Munger, DRP board president. “We recognize that this news may come as a surprise, and we want to assure you that the Downtown Rutland Partnership remains committed to serving our downtown stakeholders and delivering on our mission.”

For more information, visit: downtownrutland.com.

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