On October 5, 2023

Cosmic Catalogue: October’s eclipse


October brings a month of change, especially compared to the past few months. While it’s nice to has a break in the weather, each of us have our preferences for what that break might look like. Blue cloudless skies and endless sunshine is one person’s idea of bliss while someone else delights in a dreary, rainy day.
This month begins with threatening storm clouds rolling in from a distant horizon. Deep down, you know what this storm is about. When in your life have you been going along to get along and quite frankly, you’ve had enough? Where have you buried your head in the proverbial sand and not taken action on the things you know you should have?

You see, this month, you’ll see a lot of click bait about eclipses on the internet. But if you sit with the above metaphorical weather update, you’ll get a sense of what you’ll be dealing with. For some of us, it will barely be a blip on the radar, while for others, the inevitable outcomes from the past few months will reveal themselves. 

This week past action you took or didn’t take may bring up feelings of anger, bitterness or resentment. Events this week will indicate what October’s eclipse cycle offers.

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