On August 16, 2023

Poetry is Power: The stream in the sky

They blaze across the sky,

Leaving a stream of wonder behind,

A stream in the sky,

Wanting to be heard,

They dive through space,

Their stream full of stars,

Trying to tell stories,

Stories of whooshing through space,

With a great ball of fire,

Leading it all,

But the secret to its beauty,

Is all in its tail,

Its stream in the sky,

Kind of like the world,

It’s beautiful on its own,

But more powerful,

More amazing,

Truly more beautiful,

Because of the people living in it,

Think about that,

Each and every day,

You are the beauty to this world,

Believe it,

And soon enough,

You’ll know it,

You are this world’s beauty,

Thank you for that.

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