On May 31, 2023

Without risk, there’s no reward


If it seems too good to be true, then it probably is —  it’s  not advice you’ll want to take this week. An opening, an opportunity or a portal of some kind may arrive that could truly change the course of things for you. 

Now that you know this, you’ll be anxiously waiting for something to happen. It might not be so much about what happens, but rather, the fire inside you being stoked for possibility. Real change and progress tends to happen when that quiet voice inside your head grows louder. It may involve having to change perspectives. It might mean looking at things from an angle you’ve yet to consider. We all know that a ship is safe in the harbor, but we also know that’s not what ships are built for. 

All great adventures begin and all wide horizons are discovered when you’re ready to leave the security and comfort of your current position. When you’re brave enough to think differently than everyone else. When you believe something to be true inside your heart. When everyone says you’re mad. When all the odds are seemingly stacked up against you. No one has done anything great without risk, for without risk, there is no reward.

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