On August 5, 2021

RCHS offers tips to keep your pets safe in the hot, summer weather

The Rutland County Humane Society reminds owners that pets need special care during the hot, summer months! When the temperature rises, dogs and cats should be inside with air conditioning or fans, or in the shade if outside. All animals need access to lots of clean, cold water to help them stay hydrated. Pets can get dehydrated quickly. Be careful not to over exercise them when it’s very hot and be aware of hot pavement!

Never leave your animals alone in a parked car, even with the windows open on a hot day as it can become very hot very quickly, which could lead to fatal heat stroke. To cool down, dogs may enjoy a dip in a pool, pond, lake or even a small plastic pool. But, keep in mind that not all dogs are strong swimmers, so keep an eye on them. Special care should be taken for overweight, elderly or sick animals in the hot weather as well.

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