By Cassandra Tyndall
One of the highlights this week, and of this month, is the movement of action-planet Mars into Taurus. Thanks to an extremely long and rare trip through Aries, this is the first time in nearly six months we’ll have the opportunity to change the direction of our goals, plans and projects.
Fast and impulsive Mars in slow and deliberate Taurus is just the contradiction that it sounds. The good news is, when it comes to new intentions you’ve set for 2021, a slow and steady approach will see you gain the rewards you seek.
That being said, Mars will continue through Taurus for the next six weeks, and during this time will clash with serious Saturn and fuse with radical Uranus.
The question to ponder while the year is still new is: are you doing the same thing you’ve always done and expecting a different result? Or, are you prepared to experiment and adapt? A big part of this year will be about finding ways to merge what you know to be true, with remaining open and experimental to what could be. Your key to success may lie in the small steps you take consistently, rather than the giant leaps you think you need to take.