On January 6, 2021

Decisions for 2021

By Dr. Glen Molette

2021 is here, and will it be just another year? If it’s just another year then that won’t be bad at all because too many will not have another year. The opportunity and privilege to have another year is the gift of life. Being alive and living your life is about as good as it gets. Aim for being alive this time next year.

Make some decisions about 2021. Where do you want to be this time in 12 months? Would you like to be 10 pounds heavier? Maybe you would like to be 10-20 pounds lighter? If you cut back on your portions and get off the couch you can lose a pound a week on average. This is daunting but just think about where you can be the first of March if you start today? Don’t start tomorrow. Start right now. Today. This minute. Throw all that junk cake and pie in the trash. This is a tough decision because we hate to say goodbye to all those holiday cookies and candies. Your body will thank you and you will feel better very soon.

Decide about financial habits. Millions of Americans carry credit card debt. Minimum payments on $3,000 of credit card debt is like swimming up river. If you have missed a few payments your credit card company may be anxious to hear from you. Ask them if they will consider a settlement payoff. A friend of mine owed $5,000 and his credit card company settled for a $2,800 payoff. Your company might or might not but it never hurts to negotiate. You might be able to sell some things in order to erase that back-breaking high interest debt.

Make some money in 2021 — if you want to. Most Americans need to make money in 2021. Work on job applications. Peruse the newspaper. Search online. Consider places you have heard about and call them, go see them. Knock on doors of opportunity. You get nowhere if you do not try. You might complete 20 or 30 applications to get one job interview. Complete the application thoroughly. Give them a reason to consider you. Put together a good biographical sketch, resume. Have a friend or two to review and edit because two heads are better than one. Have some good trusted references. Wherever you work, do a good job because you want them to say a good word about you. A good word may seal the deal on your next job opportunity.

Jobs sometimes are scarce. Consider your personal knowledge and abilities and what might you do to make a dollar or two. What do you know that others need to know? What can you offer that others need or might want? Can you make something? Can you fix things? How can you help others?  Creating your own life and business might be the financial and mental sanity answer for you. If you create your own work and are good at what you do, you will not run out of something to do.

Our decisions determine our destiny. Whatever decision we make we have to put into action. Faith without works is dead. May your life be good, healthy and filled with wonderful love, family and friends in 2021. Let’s work together for a good year.

Dr. Glenn Mollette is a graduate of numerous schools including Georgetown College, Southern and Lexington Seminaries in Kentucky. He is the author of 12 books including “Uncommon Sense.”

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