On September 16, 2020

Turn the page 

By Dr. Glen Molette

Fall season officially begins Sept. 22 this year. For every season there is a change. Most of us like the seasons especially if we can have four of them.

I like the fall as the weather seems more stable in our part of the country. For our neighbors in California they are desperate for anything that will bring rain and an end to the devastating fires. This has been a cruel, harsh time that we pray passes by and ends very quickly for California.

On the East and Gulf coasts there is always another looming hurricane this time of year. Flooding and devastation have already occurred in Louisiana with the potential of more to come.

Every season brings the possibilities of pleasant weather but also severe weather. Very much like our lives every season brings change because we have no choice but to deal with the change. When snow comes, we adapt and enjoy the change.

Our lives are like seasons – change comes. If we are fortunate, aging occurs. Children grow up. Our vocational lives and dreams change, mature, flourish or become a distant memory. Our lives are like an interesting book. Your life is probably very interesting if you were able to write out the whole story. Maybe you should write about your life? Write it out for someone later to read about. If you decide to do so write about the hard times as well as what you want everyone else to know.

Whenever you read or write a book it requires turning the page or writing a new page. You can’t finish the book if you stay on the same page. When our parents die, we have to turn the page. When we bury a spouse or loved one, we have to turn the page. When we change jobs or careers that require transition it’s tough, but we have to turn the page. When children grow up and move away or no longer have time to be with us then we must turn the page.

A good friend is selling his lovely home.  He and his wife are moving into a smaller condominium. He loves his beautiful yard but he knows it’s time to turn the page as their age and health have changed.

The one difference between reading a book and life is that you may not finish reading the book but we all finish life. You either turn the pages of life or in time they are turned for you. The worst decisions we make are no decisions. We procrastinate. We delay paying into retirement. We delay a health test. We put off what we dread and it doesn’t make it better.

Live a good life. Make decisions. Turn the page and keep going. Don’t get stuck on the same page in the same chapter. Run your race. Finish your course.
Turn the page.

Dr. Glenn Mollette is the author of 12 books, including “Nursing Home Nightmares – America’s Disgrace.” His syndicated column is read in all 50 states.

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