By Cassanda Tyndall
One of the key features of 2020 is the extra-long tour of Mars in Aries. Instead of its usual journey of six weeks, Mars has been in Aries since late June, continuing until early 2021.
As the red planet changes direction, you too may experience some kind of delay, setback or some territory you have to revisit will be revealed.
Tension, frustration or even anger may arise as you may come to realize you don’t hold as much sovereignty in a situation as you thought.
As Mars internalizes its fire, draw your own energy and passion within. You might feel tension between what you want now and what you want most.
The next several months are likely to feel like a lengthy endurance test. It may help to embrace the ancient philosophy of Stoicism and the four virtues it comprises: courage, justice, wisdom and temperance.
If feelings of frustration give rise to anger, the best remedy is delay. By focusing on what you can control, you can channel your energy into something that really matters to you.
The Haitian proverb “deye mon gen mon,” translates to, “behind mountains there are more mountains,” may remind you that the next several months will be a marathon, not a sprint.