Horoscope Archives, Horoscopes

Your weekly horoscope, Jan. 18-24, 2023


March 21 – April 20

You may be breathing a sigh of relief now that Mars, your guiding star, is no longer heading in reverse. That said, the red planet is still moving super slow. With that in mind, so should you be. Do yourself a favor and continue to think about how you can improve your daily habits and rituals that not only support you this week, but for the rest of this year. Connections with friends may help you see a fresh perspective.


July 21 – August 20

When it comes to your relationships, both personal and professional, you have the chance to start over this week. A New Moon in your Relationship Zone is your annual opportunity to wipe the slate clean and start afresh, especially after a couple of years of traversing rocky roads. Setting new intentions will help you stay on course. While one relationship chapter starts winding up, another one will soon begin. Now’s the time to start envisioning how that might look. 


November 21 – December 20

Love and money have been a tricky topic for a while now, but that storm is beginning to clear. As you step outside and assess the damage, you’ll get a sense of what can be rebuilt and what can’t. You don’t have to over complicate this or put your cart before your horse. Start back at the beginning. Make the room and take the time to reconnect. Listen to understand, not to respond. Make the appropriate adjustments to your daily rituals.


April 21 – May 20

It’s not easy to get you to make a move before you’re ready to. Your astrological totem is the bull after all. Though I must ask, “if not now, when?” The time for procrastination is over and the time for action is now. Topics involving your career, life direction and cash are active and it’s something that shouldn’t be taken for granted or assume there won’t be changes. A preemptive strike may be exactly what you need to do now.


August 21 – September 20

I’d be loathe to count my chickens, but things really do begin to begin to get back to regular programming this week. You’ll be increasingly able to make more choices that align with where you want to head professionally, as well as how that fits in with your private life. This really is your week to begin reverse engineering how you want this year to look, as opposing to continually bending, flexing and going with the flow and wearing yourself out.


December 21 – January 21

It will begin to feel like all systems are a-go for you this week. The time you’ve spent reflecting, researching and revising will have been well worth it. A New Moon in your Money Zone offers a fresh start on topics involving your income and cash flow, as well as your confidence too. If you’ve been thinking of doing a complete financial overhaul, this is a great week to begin initiating that process. Set some goals, take some action and see what happens.


May 21 – June 20

You’ve just been through a rare rite of passage that has equipped you with a sharper sword. Your job now is to decide which battles you want to tackle this year. Hint, you’re likely to undergo a process of aligning your professional / public life with your spiritual or life philosophies. You’ll have less tolerance for duality than you’ve had in a while which will help you in making your choices count. Decide which proverbial hill you’re willing to die on.


September 21 – October 20

How are things going when it comes to your love life, happiness and joy? Are you doing the things you want to be doing? Is there room for improvement? Do you just need to make a decision and roll with it, one way or another? The good news is this week, choices that have been lagging will become so much easier to commit to. More than likely, it will be worth it. Choose your choices and your choices will choose you.


January 21 – February 20

If you’re not feeling it yet, you soon will. 2023 will turn out to be one of those years that when you look back, there will be before 2023 and after 2023. After a couple of years of hard knocks, it’s possible you could face a few more. It’s also possible you’ll grow your beautiful wings and fly. Profound changes are on the way. This week, make a wish on how you might like those changes to manifest.


June 21 – July 20

This week sees a New Moon in one of your Cash Zones, namely the one that speaks to debt, savings, investments and the resources you share with other people. Regardless of your situation, a New Moon here offers the chance for a fresh start or a new perspective. Deep down, you already now you have to do this. Don’t let fear or avoidance get in the way of getting you clear about this sometimes tricky area of life.


October 21 – November 20

This week really has a back to basics feel to it for you. For a while now, you’ve been delving into the bowels of your psyche, facing fears and slaying demons. It’s now time to begin the process of rebuilding things, brick by brick. A New Moon at the very foundation of your solar horoscope will help you do this. Decide what it is you want and allow what you want to want you. That is where the magic will happen.


February 21 – March 20

It may seem counterintuitive to think you need more time off after the holidays. If you can wrangle it, I’d highly suggest it. If not, more time alone, more time to meditate and imagine will be what your soul is craving for. As planets that have been moving in reverse start to slowly garner speed again, you may, in fact, have to speed up too. Resist. If you can’t, then be sure to not bite off more than you’re ready to chew.


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