Horoscope Archives, Horoscopes

Your weekly horoscope, Aug. 17-23


March 21 – April 20

Mars is your ruling planet, and for the next seven months it will ask you to focus on your daily habits and rituals. This may involve fine-tuning what it means to be busy. Are you a rat in the proverbial race or are you actively working towards what keeps you active or inspired? Study pathways, improving overall communication and finding a little serenity in each day will be especially highlighted especially as pesky problems will continue to demand your attention.


July 21 – August 20

You’ve had your fair share of turbulence and drama of late and Mars’ arrival in Gemini, which will last until March 2023. You will see the next chapter of change in your social circles in both your personal and professional life. People from the past may come back in equal measure to new friendships that are forged. If you frequent online circles, be sure to save your energy from arguing with strangers! If you’re wanting to build an audience, focus your energies on that!


November 21 – December 20

Relationships personal and / or professional will be a key area of focus as Mars spends seven months in opposition to your sign. Ups and downs are inevitable during this period, including the good, the bad and the ugly. Though that may seem stressful, and it likely will be, you’ll come to understand those you’re in relationship with a whole lot better. In fact, this experience will also teach you so much more about yourself. 


April 21 – May 20

Are you where you’d like to be financially? If not, figure out why this week. Cold hard data may need to be looked at. Looking at facts rather than feelings will help. Don’t get down on yourself if you’re not in the position you’d like to be. Imagine where you can be by March next year if you focus. Create some action steps that will get you from here to there. A part of this story may also be about you being able to communicate with confidence about money too.


August 21 – September 20

Not everyone who works has a career. Many work in order to get paid, bereft of any real meaning or purpose to what they do. Over the course of the next seven months, you might like to invest your energy and focus into recalibrating your life direction. It may be your career or it could be in your personal life as well. When you turn your attention to what brings meaning, it will be easier for you to achieve whatever it is that is most important to you.


December 21 – January 21

This is the week you really need to sit down with yourself and write a list. Then you’ll need to rank the items on that list in order of importance. You will need to be ruthless and that’s ok. With Mars in Gemini for the next seven months, life will likely set a punishing pace. If you run yourself ragged at the start, you’ll achieve nothing by the end. Be sure to take extra care of your health and wellbeing too!


May 21 – June 20

Mars’ lengthy cycle will encourage you to focus on you! Whether it’s physical improvements you’d like to make or you’ve got a personal passion or goal you’ve always wanted to pursue, now is the time. Is it a few pandemic pounds you need to lose? Have you always wanted to play the guitar? Whatever it is, focus on it. Combining your physical and mental wellness is paramount, so be sure not to discount the promises you’ve made yourself when distractions arise.


September 21 – October 20

It may be time for you to carve out a new perspective on life. If you’ve ever wanted to study an area of interest, the next seven months provides the path. Maybe it’s travel you’re keen to undertake. Whether it’s airports, passports or having your head in the books, actively pursue areas of life that help you widen your breadth of experience. When the student is ready, the teacher arrives. Decide that you are ready and the rest will happen.


January 21 – February 20

As far as Mars in Gemini goes, you’re one of the lucky ones and deservingly so. The next seven months is about you carving out time for fun, joy and pleasure. It’s time for you to shake some salt on your life. Life has been serious for long enough, so while it may seem counter intuitive to make fun a priority, it’s necessary. Do this and you’ll be amazed by just how much you, your love life and your creative outlets will be transformed come March.


June 21 – July 20

The next seven months could see you needing more downtime than usual as Mars activates one of your most private sectors. Managing your energy, rather than your time, may be key. If you need to work extra hard – and you likely might be sure to refill your cup! This might mean a weekend away here or there or perhaps making sound sleep more of a priority. If you’ve ever wanted to dabble in meditation, the cosmos brings you the chance.


October 21 – November 20

Things could get a little messy when it comes to the energy – including money, you share with others over the next seven months. As your ruling planet dives into Gemini, you’ll gain an understanding of why you do the things you do and with whom. Getting on top of your personal finances is also possible. Paying down debt or stashing a little cash on the side would also be wise. Due diligence is advised in all types of contracts and agreements.


February 21 – March 20

Does the platform of your life feel solid? By this I mean tight family relationships (or with those you call family) or a sense that you’re on the right track with things overall? The next seven months is about you rebuilding your life from the ground up. You may have to tear a few things down — literally or metaphorically, in order to rebuild in the way that feels like it’s heading in the right direction. Don’t be coy about saying goodbye to whoever isn’t a part of your future.


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