On May 18, 2023

Vermont receives $6.2 million for response to homelessness

Vermont nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and the Congressional delegation announced May 10 that Vermont has been awarded $6.2 million through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to help address homelessness across the state. 

Vermont has the second highest rate of homelessness in the nation, according to the 2022 HUD Annual Homelessness Assessment Report.

Awarded through HUD’s Continuum of Care (CoC) Program, this funding was competitively distributed throughout the country to quickly rehouse and support individuals and families while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused by homelessness. 

Almost 50%, or $2.9 million, of the overall funding awarded to Vermont will go to the Vermont State Housing Authority for rental vouchers and support services for those experiencing homelessness. 

Will Towne, co-chair of the Chittenden County Homeless Alliance and Chief Operating Officer at Spectrum Youth Services stated, “We are so appreciative of this funding award in light of the unprecedented challenge ahead of us. We look forward to increasing Chittenden County’s funding award next year, in collaboration with our community partners, to ensure we continue to move toward making homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring.”

Kara Casey, co-chair of the Vermont Coalition to End Homelessness, noted, “The award of this funding reflects the incredible work that is being done in communities throughout Vermont and is vital in addressing the current housing and homelessness crisis. These organizations do the necessary work of supporting households in overcoming barriers, connecting to resources, and finally having a place to call home.”

“To my mind, safe, decent, and affordable housing is a basic human right,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders. “It is completely unacceptable that, in the richest country in the history of the world, so many Vermonters are homeless, struggling to pay rent, or unable to find safe, affordable housing for themselves and their families. We have a lot more work to do to ensure affordable and stable housing for every Vermonter, but this federal funding is an important step in the right direction.”

“Housing is a human right,” asserted Rep. Becca Balint. “And stable, affordable housing means opportunity and success for so many Vermont families. To house Vermonters, it is clear we need bold investments in our housing stock and supportive housing programs. I’m pleased to see the funding from the homeless assistance awards and am committed to advocating for increased funding from Congress.” 

“Vermonters are facing a devastating housing crisis, and it is more important than ever that we secure federal support to help families find safe, affordable housing,” said Sen. Welch. “This funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development will help local government and non-profits do the essential work of brining Vermonters out of homelessness and connecting families with stable housing. I’m grateful for the work local groups are doing to address this crisis and to HUD for bringing this important funding to Vermont.” 

HUD grants will be awarded to:

  • Brattleboro Housing Authority: $258,046
  • Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity: $156,070
  • City of Burlington: $587,220
  • Institute for Community Alliances: $124,382
  • NewStory Center: $140,287
  • Pathways Vermont: $151,084
  • State of Vermont, Office of Economic Opportunity: $576,075
  • Steps to End Domestic Violence: $165,945
  • Vermont Coalition to End Homelessness: $143,773
  • Vermont State Housing Authority: $2,912,386
  • Washington County Youth Service Bureau: $986,552
  • Total: $6,201,820







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