On November 8, 2017

Time to reconcile differences

This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a Gemini Moon, in the wake of Guy Fawkes Day. It’s interesting that the divisive energy that has taken root in the collective mind is manifesting in political unrest and world-wide protests on the day that the Brits observe Guy Fawkes’ aborted plot to blow up the British Parliament.

I have said this before and I will say it again: the forces of darkness lost control of the planet five years ago. At the point where the Precession of the Equinox shifted the power base from the dark polarity to the power of love and light, the ones who have controlled the earth since the fall of Atlantis (The Great Flood), were rendered impotent, and lost the ability to exert their influence over anything that happens on this planet. Because the “Powers that Were” don’t know how to do anything but fight, in a castrated state, they persist in their efforts to dominate, in order to remain in control.

It might help to keep in mind that Guy Fawkes and his men failed in their attempt to blow up Parliament. God knows what the next two months will bring, but on the anniversary of their aborted efforts, I have a feeling the ones who have taken it upon themselves to knock the president off his perch will wind up paying some heavy dues for their actions.

What happened in 1605 was fueled by outside forces who poured gasoline on the fire of irreconcilable differences that existed between the Protestants and the Catholics. Those issues got magnified and spun out of control through the power of belief. Think about that for a minute: the divisive forces that are currently tearing this country apart bear a similar hallmark.

As I sit here writing about the planet and the stars, outside of that I am more interested in directing my thoughts toward things that will open the space for us to put our differences aside, just long enough for the truth to be made known, and for all of us to begin to wake up to things that have been hidden in darkness for far too long. Let me leave you with that and invite you to enjoy this week’s ‘scopes.

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