On July 30, 2015

The evolutionary process relies upon our willingness to continually change and grow

By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye

This week’s Horoscopes are coming out under a Sagittarius Moon. Earlier this week the Moon entered its Void-of-Course phase until she moves into Capricorn on Tuesday at around 3 p.m. on the East Coast. The better part of Tuesday saw us in the “Woo-Hoo; we’re totally off the hook” state that overtakes us every time the Moon goes Void-of-Course.

Having just gone through “The Day Out of Time,” last week, whether we know it or not we have been reborn. Any issues, problems, and/or stuff that has yet to be dealt with, has been “86’d” from the menu and we are literally off on a whole new track. With Lughnassah, or, the annual gathering of the clans, right around the corner, this next week or so will see us riding waves of creative energy that will be amplified by the Full Moon in Aquarius, on Sunday, Aug. 31.

Without boring you with the details, I am here to say that the solar force is totally off the charts right now. The idea that we are approaching the fullness that comes right before the harvest, surrounded by the abundance that makes it impossible to ignore the life that fills our hearts and animates all of creation — all of this is there to remind us that there is a point in every cycle when we need to stop long enough to celebrate the fact that we are alive, and remember that joy is the attractive mechanism for everything in the universe.

It’s interesting that the planet Venus, which by many is considered to be the “headquarters” of our solar system, moved into her retrograde mode on “The Day Out of Time.” As kooked out and woo-woo, as this may sound to many of you, in my world things like this are a huge deal.

If I were to analyze this phenomenon in a natal chart, I would tell the person that until a certain age, they are here to find out about what it means to establish a relationship with themselves; it is less important for them to be connected to others because they need to find out who THEY are before they can know for sure what, or who, to love.

When Venus turns retrograde by transit, the same rule applies to all of us. It is a time when it becomes important to go within and reconnect exclusively with who WE are, and what WE want — because these things change over time. Between now and Sept. 6, 2015, the way we conduct our relationships needs to be reviewed, relative to the nature of the relationship we currently wish to have with ourselves.

Venus will back track from the first degree of Virgo, to the 14th degree of Leo. Those of you who have Venus situated in that part of the Zodiac will be reconstructing your definition of your female aspect. This is something that all of us go through once every two-and-a-half years. It opens the space for us to stay abreast of where our hearts truly lie.

As for the rest of us? The rest of us will be reviewing things to see if what we “think we want” has anything to do with what we “really want,” in love, and in every other area of our lives as well; like I said, these things change over time. I don’t need to tell you that nothing stays that same — the evolutionary process relies upon our willingness to continually change and grow — keep that in mind as you enjoy this week’s ‘scopes.

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