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Will bond downgrade spark pension reform?
November 9, 2018
By Rob Roper On Oct. 23, Moody’s, the investors' credit service, downgraded Vermont’s bond rating from AAA to Aa1. This has significant implications for the state’s ability to borrow money and the cost of doing so. The reasons Moody’s cited for the downgrade were “low growth prospects from an aging population,” and “debt and unfunded…
Quarry story lacks facts
October 18, 2018
Dear Editor, We only recently were made aware of the article “Glimmerstone Quarry future hangs in the balance” by Julia Purdy. This article is so erroneous and one-sided that the 1,000 word limit in the comments section online did not allow full clarification of its egregious flaws. We would like the opportunity to correct the…
A backcountry opportunity
October 17, 2018
By Angelo Lynn The new backcountry hut recently built at Chittenden Brook campground on the east side of Brandon Gap is more than a story about a few hikers and backcountry skiers wanting a comfortable shelter in which to camp. It’s a story about a new kind of tourism that could boost the area’s economy.…
Will Trump drown in the swamp he created?
August 29, 2018
By Angelo Lynn Not since President Richard Nixon has the United States faces the prospect of indicting a sitting president, and not since Nixon has a sitting president been implicated in a felony crime. In Trump’s case, this first felony allegation relates to failing to record the payoffs to two women with whom he had…
Well played, Mr. Sonneborn; Hallquist makes primary a race
August 23, 2018
By Angelo Lynn Give Ethan Sonneborn, Bristol’s 14-year-old candidate for governor in the Democratic primary, a lot of credit. He entered the campaign because he thought it was important — crucial, even — to get involved and participate in the country’s democratic process. If individuals — each one of us — don’t care enough to…
Remember to vote
August 1, 2018
By Secretary of State Jim Condos The Aug. 14 Vermont Primary Election is just two weeks away. While there has been some indication of lower voter turnout, I hope that as Vermonters, we can make sure that’s not the case in our state. Voting is the foundation of our democracy. When you go to the…
A matter of civic pride
July 25, 2018
By Angelo Lynn Here’s a challenge for Vermont residents: Find an area dedicated to public use that needs cleaning up and work out a way to get it done. Why do it? Three reasons: First, it’s not that hard. Second, it’s rewarding. Third, it’ll make life in the neighborhood more pleasant and special. We mention this…
Vetoing the $15 minimum wage was a good thing
June 3, 2018
By Rob Roper After watching the debate in the State House over the $15 minimum wage it is hard to see how any rational or compassionate person could have, at the end of the day, supported the policy. The potential good that it may have done for a small minority of people was far outweighed…
Rep.Welch slams farm bill
May 23, 2018
By Angelo Lynn Republicans in Congress said the tax cuts passed earlier this year would do great things for the economy and help individual Americans. While most Americans were opposed to it, Republicans nonetheless claimed it to be a huge accomplishment, and told us just to wait to see all the good that would come…
Gov. Scott’s line in the sand
May 16, 2018
By Angelo Lynn Gov. Phil Scott’s line-in-the-sand mantra not to raise a single tax or a single fee has made politics in Vermont’s capital more strident, divisive and unruly. The irony is that the governor himself is mild-mannered, affable, pragmatic and someone who seems to get along with almost everyone. But in this session he has…
Vermont climate economy: The moment is now
May 10, 2018
By Harrison Bushnell My first food was a testament to Vermont’s economy. As a baby, the story goes, my parents held me as we admired the steaming arch at our neighbors’ house. They took a small spoon and let me taste my first few drops of Vermont ambrosia: maple syrup. The only problem was, the…
Marijuana legalization will affect road safety
May 10, 2018
Dear Editor, Drivers impaired by opioids, cocaine, marijuana and other drugs pose a threat to every Vermonter and visitor that drive our highways. On July 1, Vermont will become the ninth state to legalize recreational marijuana. Even proponents of legalization acknowledge that driving while high on marijuana is unwise and unsafe. There also is universal…
Cleanup was a success
May 10, 2018
Dear Editor, Thank you to Casella Waste Management as well as to Southwestern VT Sales Coordinator Lisa Hotchkiss for her amazing customer service and communication that was outstanding through every facet of our third annual Community Clean Up in the towns of Danby and Mount Tabor. Its donation has significantly impacted these communities as a…
“Proficiency-based Learning” reform lacks in proficiency
May 9, 2018
By Rob Roper Vermont’s student test scores are falling. It’s no longer a blip, but a trend. As State Board of Education member Bill Mathis said, “When you have two different tests showing much the same thing, you have to pay attention to them.” Those two tests are the Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium (SBAC) and…