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Vote Hooker for Senate

September 30, 2020
Dear Editor, As a farmer, teacher, and proud member of the Rutland County community, I am voting for Senator Cheryl Hooker in the November election. Hooker is a positive and proactive Senator, who cares about people, businesses, the environment, and the health and sustainability of our community. She has worked to improve childcare, food security,…

Jerome has served us well

September 30, 2020
Dear Editor, Two years ago I urged people to vote for Stephanie Jerome because of her stance on education. Today, I urge people once again to vote for Stephanie Jerome not because of what she might do for us but because of what she has already done. I’m constantly impressed by Representative Jerome. I’ve reached…

Five C’s for Vermont schools

September 30, 2020
Dr. Michael Shank As a university professor, I’m constantly thinking about how to best equip my graduate students with life skills. I’m always taken aback when they struggle with how to communicate effectively, handle conflict constructively, think critically, or engage civically. Not only is a degree less valuable now, it’s also less applicable. Especially as…

Choose Stephanie Jerome

September 23, 2020
Dear Editor, Soon Vermonters will receive ballots for the upcoming elections. Voters in Brandon, Sudbury and Pittsford have the chance to re-elect Stephanie Jerome for State Representative. As we can all imagine, stepping into her role as a newly-elected Representative in these particular times was a challenge that Stephanie Jerome met with full-on energy and…

Vote Joshua Terenzini for Rutland County senate seat

September 23, 2020
Dear Editor, Serving my community has become a way of life for me. Besides for my loving family, my life’s passion has revolved around public service. Giving back, leading, and being a voice of reason have been driving forces behind my public service. Since 2004, I have had a role in volunteerism and community service.…

Meet Senate candidate Greg Cox

September 23, 2020
Dear Editor, I’d like to introduce myself to those who may not know much about me. I attended Johnson State College and studied education. It was my experience with what I call old time Vermonters that led me to choose a life as a farmer. I was drawn to their value system and connection to…

Who will pay the price for the state’s ability to sell marijuana?

September 23, 2020
By Catherine Antley MD and Spencer Smith After decades of fighting Big Tobacco, is the Vermont Legislature unwittingly inviting Big Cannabis into our state, our towns and our schools? Creating a retail cannabis market is not about decriminalization or social justice. It’s about creating a hugely profitable industry which depends on addiction and youth users…

Bernie is not wrong

September 23, 2020
By Angelo Lynn Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is right about the shortcomings of Joe Biden’s campaign for president against Donald Trump. He is not focusing enough on what he will do differently to help Americans regain their economic footing. “We … have to give people a reason to vote for Joe Biden,” Sanders (I-Vt.) said…

RYP cancels series over controversial statements

September 16, 2020
  Dear Editor, Rutland Young Professionals has made the decision to cancel the remaining sessions of our professional development series. We recently became aware of an incident involving the virtual Summit Series presenter, and subsequently, additional incidents and remarks that do not align with the mission and values of our organization. We apologize to our…

The spreading delusion

September 16, 2020
Dear Editor, A president deliberately lied to the nation he is legally and morally bound to defend, about a national health crisis. The lies induced many to take unnecessary risks that have cost lives. We will never know precisely how many lives which doesn’t at all diminish the magnitude of the disaster. Does his explanation…

It could happen to anyone

September 16, 2020
Dear Editor, There but for the grace of God goes John Bradford... Allegedly a mid-16th century statement from John Bradford in reference to a group of prisoners being led to execution. Essentially stating “it could have been me.” That is all I can think of as I watch this town tear itself asunder over “a…

The Summit Lodge Resort and O’Dwyer’s Pub to reopen early December

September 16, 2020
Dear Editor, I would like to correct your statement in relation to the Summit Lodge Resort’s press release. Your paper incorrectly stated: “Summit Lodge owner Emmett O’Dwyer issued a statement explaining that O’Dwyer’s Bar & Restaurant, which started operating in early August, will close and remain closed through the ski season out of an abundance…

You’re never too old to learn

September 16, 2020
Dear Editor, Lisa earned her high school diploma at age 59 this past June. Born in Vermont, her education was interrupted due to an unplanned pregnancy. Lisa spent 20 years working as a nurse’s aide and raising her two children before being sidelined by a career-ending back injury. “I was sitting at home. I knew…

Balanced budget can’t make up for lost federal aid

September 16, 2020
By Jack Hoffman Dithering in Washington has left a lot of states scrambling to figure out how to pay for the support and services their citizens desperately need. In Vermont, Washington’s paralysis means the Legislature will have just over a month to determine whether the $7.1 billion budget Gov. Phil Scott proposed for the current…

Mail-in voting for all

September 9, 2020
Dear Editor, Voting by mail should replace voting at the polls in its entirety.  The two institutions that can definitely be trusted is the County Board of Elections and the United States Postal Service.  The money saved by eliminating the need for poll workers could be used to offer free postage on the envelopes used…