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Carol Geery running for Mill River School Board
May 13, 2021
Dear Clarendon Residents, On May 18, there will be a special election for a seat on the Mill River School Board. My experience demonstrates that I will be able to contribute the leadership needed to help the school district move forward. My background in Communication supports an understanding of the barriers that occur between people…
Vermont’s planning and development needs the hub and spoke model
May 12, 2021
By Bill Schubart Editor’s Note: Bill Schubart is the author of nine books of fiction, a former VPR radio commentator, and a regular columnist for VTDigger. He has served on many non-profit boards and several legislative commissions. He grew up in Morrisville and lives in Hinesburg. This commentary is part eight in a 10-part series in…
School board progress: more than a mascot
May 12, 2021
Dear Editor, When some school board members state that the Rutland City School Board should have been doing other things, maybe they didn’t notice we were because they were so stuck in retaining the Raider mascot. Over this last year the School Board has operated schools in person during a pandemic, hired a new superintendent,…
The return of community
May 12, 2021
By Madeleine May Kunin Editor’s note: Madeleine May Kunin, a Democrat, was the 77th governor of Vermont, serving 1985-1991. It’s almost the end of lockdown. Light is coming through the open door. Fresh air is rushing in. Outdoors, we can breathe again, without being muffled by masks. Where I live, at Wake Robin, a senior living…
Saving seeds — gardeners are the stewards of our genetic heritage
May 12, 2021
By Ron Krupp Editor’s note: Ron Krupp, author of “The Woodchuck’s Guide to Gardening,” “The Woodchuck Returns to Gardening” and “Lifting the Yoke,” is working on his third garden book, “The Woodchuck’s Guide to Landscape Plants and Ornamentals.” When we plant a seed, we create a direct link between our ancestral past and our potential future.…
More than ever, ‘Buyer beware’
May 6, 2021
By Julia Purdy As I continued my search for a smallish property to settle into permanently – land or land-with-small house – my budget gave me no slack. On my side, I do have the advantage of knowing the southern Vermont counties well, being a native of the area and having returned almost 20 years…
Workforce development critical to drive the economy in Vermont
May 6, 2021
By Michael Metz Editor’s Note: Michael Metz is a retired materials scientist, entrepreneur, and business owner. He has a history of board leadership with profit and nonprofit organizations and currently serves in that role for the Maker Space Generator and The Vermont Community Foundation. This commentary is the seventh in a 10-part series in which the…
Banning meat?
May 6, 2021
Dear Editor, So, I heard on Fox News that President Biden may be banning meat to combat global warming. Then I remembered that Colorado Democrat Governor Jared Polis had issued a similar proclamation last month. My first reaction was, what kind of cockamamie idea will the Democrats cook up next. But then I read the…
Taxing PPP loans is wrong
May 6, 2021
Dear Editor, The Vermont Legislature is currently considering whether or not to tax the forgiven loan I received under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) that offered my business, Sugarsnap Catering, the relief that kept us afloat over the last year. I was aware as early as February 2020 that Covid-19 would impact my business. I…
People can change
May 6, 2021
Dear Editor, One of my favorite Vermont sayings, “You can’t get there from here,” applies to the double standard our state has when it comes to our policy on criminal justice reforms. Our progressive state, known for social reforms, known for breaking barriers, is far ahead of other states, I don’t doubt the truth of that.…
My octopus teacher
May 6, 2021
Dear Editor, Last night’s Oscar for best documentary went to Netflix’s trailblazing documentary, "My Octopus Teacher." The documentary chronicles a complex relationship between a man and the world’s most bizarre animal — an octopus. It further testifies to our highly conflicted relationship with non-human animals and the natural world. Most of us treasure our “pets”…
Vermont community revitalization requires water infrastructure
May 6, 2021
By Sec. Julie Moore, Agency of Natural Resources If we want to revitalize vacant village centers, encourage compact development, expand the availability of affordable housing and high-quality childcare, address the growing climate crisis, attract younger people to stay in and move to Vermont, and invest in workforce development, we need to look underground. I’m not…
All for one, none for all
April 28, 2021
Dear Editor, America is the technology titan of the planet. America is the productivity engineer of the nations. America is the humanitarian giant of the globe. America is the policeman of the world. If so, why then is India burning its people to ashes night and day to remove the human fallout of our leadership…
Great disorder on the border
April 28, 2021
Dear Editor, It has come to my attention that the Green Mountain state has become greatly incognizant of the issues of the U.S./Mexico border wall in regard to its environmental instability. Our local newspapers have failed to recognize the immense issues of the border wall even though they coincide with the ideals and values of…
The Expungement Bill is a jobs bill—and the right thing to do
April 28, 2021
By Vermont Attorney General T.J. Donovan As Vermont and our nation continue to work toward a more fair and equitable criminal justice system, the Vermont Legislature is considering an important bill that can provide a fresh start for thousands of Vermonters, promote public safety, and reduce incarceration. S.7 expands Vermonters’ ability to expunge old criminal records. Clearing…