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‘Big lie’ wreaks havoc on others

June 29, 2022
By Angelo Lynn Editor’s note: Angelo Lynn is the editor and publisher of the Addison County Independent, a sister publication to the Mountain Times. Seemingly, the troubling aspects of the Trump drama never end. After the fourth day of testimony by the House committee looking into the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, inspired by ex-president Donald…

The mother is the best health care agent for her pregnancy

June 29, 2022
By Paul Manganiello Editor’s note: Paul Manganiello, M.D., is emeritus professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, co-medical director of the Good Neighbor Health Clinic in White River Junction, and president of the GunSenseVT Education Fund. He lives in Norwich. I graduated from medical school in 1973, the same year Roe…

Reflecting on fellow drivers

June 29, 2022
Dear Editor, In spite of current cost of gasoline, there seems to be, and I have noticed, as many cars on the road today, as ever. There are places that people need to be: work, shopping destinations, restaurants, meet-ups with friends and so on. Traveling today for any purpose is more costly and many are…

Responding to concerns about Silver Lake hut

June 29, 2022
Dear Editor, On June 8, the Moosalamoo Association and Vermont Hut Association hosted an informational meeting in Brandon to give people a chance to ask questions and express opinions about a proposed backcountry hut proposed for the Silver Lake Campground area. In brief, it would be a 1.5-story backcountry primitive hut that will accommodate up…

Elect Molly Gray to Congress

June 22, 2022
Dear Editor, Vermonters have an opportunity to elect a uniquely qualified individual to represent us in Congress, a person with a broad set of skills and experiences well matched to the requirements of Washington D.C. That person is our current Lt. Gov. Molly Gray. Molly grew up on a farm on the banks of the…

Graduation’s nuggets of wisdom

June 22, 2022
By Angelo Lynn Editor’s note: Angelo Lynn is the editor and publisher of the Addison County Independent, a sister publication to the Mountain Times. In combing through some of the graduation speeches heard or read in the past few weeks, I’ve come to appreciate these rites as a community ritual of renewal and inspiration —…

Letter writer’s beliefs lack science

June 22, 2022
Dear Editor, Although unstated, Steve Briggs’ June 14 question, printed in the Mountain Times, was probably directed at me. He asks “If the little person in the womb is not alive, why must an abortion provider kill him or her?” I’m reminded of the reaction of the physicist Wolfgang Pauli to something he read: “This…

Proposed hut has no place at Silver Lake

June 22, 2022
Dear Editor, I just returned from the public informational meeting about the “hut” which is proposed to be built at Silver Lake, and I find myself both more opposed to the project than I was before I attended, and somewhat disillusioned. First, the reasons that I initially opposed the project were all confirmed, in spades.…

Vermont has found new tools to make Covid disappear

June 15, 2022
By Dr. David McKay Editor’s note: Dr. David McKay is a retired physician from Middlebury and past president of both the Vermont Medical Society and the Vermont Psychiatric Association. As Yogi Berra famously said: “It ain’t over till it’s over.” Vermont has found some powerful new tools to make Covid disappear. Since the very beginning…

Is there ever a valid reason for abortion?

June 15, 2022
Dear Editor, Why are those Vermont legislators who sponsor bill after bill to recognize fetal personhood and insist on legal protections for women and preborn babies con- sistently stonewalled, their bills never making it out of committee? It’s time to vote out of office those who deny protections for and refuse to recognizethesanctityand equality of…

Celebrate July 4 with games at Woodstock Union High School and support the humane society

June 15, 2022
Dear Editor, On July 4, Woodstock will once again celebrate Independence Day outside at the Woodstock Union High School. This is truly one of the best celebrations in Windsor County, featuring live entertainment, a spectacular firework display, food, and a variety of games for kids by VT Volunteer Services for Animals Humane Society (VVSA). This…

Why is it easier to build a Dollar General than a solar panel in Vermont?

June 15, 2022
By Peter Sterling Editor’s note: Peter Sterling is the executive director of Renewable Energy Vermont. Over the last decade or so while most of us weren’t looking, something very concerning has happened in Vermont: it has become easier to build commercial strip development like a Dollar General store in a rural town than to build…

Vt does not need more Pentagon spending

June 15, 2022
By Laurie Gagne Editor’s note: Laurie Gagne is the retired director for Edmundite Center for Peace and Justice at St. Michael’s College. Investment in education, anti-poverty programs, and other human needs are essential to keeping our communities safe. My faith community, the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, has worked in Vermont for decades on…

A simple question

June 15, 2022
Dear Editor, Regarding the onset of human life, a previous writer did not want to be constrained with “religious opinion," so I present a simple question: If the little person in the womb is not alive, why must an “abortion provider” kill him or her? Steve Briggs, Chittenden

National pet preparedness month

June 8, 2022
Dear Editor, June is National Pet Preparedness Month — which is all about preparing an emergency plan that includes your pet. They are important members of the family! Here’s how to prepare for a disaster or unexpected situation with your pet in mind. This plan will help in case you need to evacuate your area,…