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Tom Terenzini will work to prevent expensive and ineffective bureaucracies

October 30, 2014
Dear Editor, Rutland Town has a clear choice for Representative to the Vermont House on election day, Nov. 4. Tom Terenzini has represented Rutland Town’s interests very well. In the area of education, Rutland Town is a “Gold Town,” which means Rutland Town sends over a million dollars more in taxes from property owners to…

Dubie endorses Tate

October 30, 2014
Dear Editor, Please vote for Job Tate. Job Tate is a caring, hardworking husband and father who is highly motivated to serve his fellow citizens from Bridgewater, Chittenden, Killington, and Mendon. As a Navy Seabee, Job built roads in some of the world’s most challenging conditions; now he seeks to build new paths toward innovation,…

Scott Milne is the right choice

October 30, 2014
Dear Editor, As a young adult living in Vermont, I feel so privileged to reside in a state filled with natural beauty, rich history, and kind-hearted people. However, like many young Vermonters, I’m at a crossroads over where I plan to live as I approach the next stage in my life. The direction of our…

Support Gage for House

October 22, 2014
Dear Editor, As a real estate broker in the area, I am concerned about the soft market we have struggled with throughout the state, outside of Chittenden County. It is my belief that issues relating to real estate values are rooted in job losses and high tax rates. Since 2010 the state of Vermont has…

Appreciation for community support

October 22, 2014
Dear Editor, I have Huntington’s. It is a neurologic disorder that attacks my brain. I was just informed of this while going to nursing school. My mother had Huntington’s and when school started to become stressful I would notice symptoms arise. The neurologist at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center told me I could not continue with…

Gallivan: On my voting record

October 22, 2014
Dear Editor, Francis Legayada, and voters, I would like to take this opportunity to directly respond to the content of your letter to the editor last week. You report that I “kowtowed” to party leadership voting to raise your taxes multiple times. In 2013, the proposed tax revenue bill received a “no” vote from me,…

Send Sherri Durgin Campbell to Montpelier

October 22, 2014
Dear Editor, As the only woman candidate running for state representative from Rutland City, I am writing in support of electing and sending Sherri Durgin Campbell to Montpelier to represent the interests of the Rutland community. Sherri Durgin Campbell knows well the plight of women and will be better able to shine the light on…

Tate committed to solving problems of government spending

October 22, 2014
Dear Editor, After a visit with Job Tate, candidate for Vt. House of Reps (Mendon, Chittenden, Killington, Bridgewater) I am convinced that he would serve the district very well. Tate has an infant son and is very concerned about the things this young child will be facing with Vermont on its current path. Tate is a veteran,…

Seniors, Medicare and single payer

October 22, 2014
Dear Editor, An interesting kerfuffle popped up in the comment section of’s recent article, “Feliciano claims Shumlin wants to take over Medicare” (see reprinted article, this issue). First, some thought the way the headline was phrased cast doubt on the “claim.” However, Act 48 as passed–which Shumlin signed and his party and the Progressives…

Community Q&A with Mike Solimano

October 15, 2014
Editor’s note: The Mountain Times receives many questions from readers every week about Killington Resort and Pico Mountain operations. In order to best answer some of the most common questions we have posed them directly to Mike Solimano, president and general manager for Killington Resort and Pico Mountain, who has responded here. Three questions many…

Governor prepares for 2016 cuts to state services

October 15, 2014
By Paul Cillo A month after announcing a two percent cut to the current year’s budget, the Shumlin administration is signaling its intention to make additional cuts of as much as five percent and possibly more next year (fiscal 2016). For an already anemic state government that is suffering from staffing shortages and struggling to…

Job Tate will represent our district’s true concerns

October 15, 2014
Dear Editor: My wife, Monica, and I are parents to three beautiful young sons and we both agreed there would be no better place to raise them than in Vermont. So in 2011 we bought our first home in Killington. At the time we knew managing a mortgage along with high property taxes and energy…

Fresh Air Fund thanks community for support and generosity

October 8, 2014
Dear Editor, Thank you for the terrific exposure you gave The Fresh Air Fund in The Mountain Times this year by featuring our Volunteer Host Family Program in your community paper. This year we celebrated our 138th summer of serving New York City children. The coverage continues to support our volunteer leaders’ efforts to recruit…

The future of the Gift-of-Life Marathon to be announced Wednesday at the Paramount Theatre

October 8, 2014
Dear Editor, The future of the Gift-of-Life Marathon has been up in the air ever since the greater Rutland community crushed the national one-day blood drive record last December. No one ever dreamed when the GOLM started that this community would accomplish even half of what it has done, in terms of blood donations and…

William Tracy Carris has my vote for Rutland County Senate

October 8, 2014
Dear Editor, Come November, I’ll be taking great pride in my steps up to the ballot box; I can already envision the ink from the felt pen staining the box next to William Tracy Carris’ name. No question. I first met Tracy when he joined the Planning Commission in 2010. The volunteer commission was undergoing…