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To our future Syrian neighbors

November 9, 2016
By Bob Allen and Thanh Nguyen Editor’s note: The following is an open letter addressed to the region’s future Syrian neighbors written by Bob Allen, president of Green Mountain College in Poultney, and GMC student Thanh Nguyen who was born in Moscow, Russia, and lived most of her life in Hanoi, Vietnam. International students at…

My three R’s, riposte to a ridiculous response

October 12, 2016
Dear Editor, The other day I googled “Killington cartoons” and an interesting link came up. It was about the cartoonist Tim Newcombe, who drew a cartoon in the 80s lampooning Killington Resort’s quest to alter Vermont laws to allow it to use recycled sewage to make snow. Killington sued him and the papers that printed…

Killington informational meeting on Act 46 held, Oct. 24

October 12, 2016
Dear Editor, I have been on the Killington School Board for over 10 years and this is my first letter to the editor. I am writing to invite you all to a meeting that will be held on Monday, Oct. 24 at 7 p.m. at the Killington Elementary School library. The School Board is holding…

Digging out of the corn maze that is Vermont politics

October 12, 2016
By Tad Montgomery So, we have a petulant progressive farmer who is purportedly trying to plant himself firmly into the position of lieutenant governor in Vermont. One might say this is going a bit against the grain of politics as usual in our fair state, but anyone who has ever felt their oats in the…

A sobering look beyond the election

October 12, 2016
By Lee H. Hamilton This campaign year has been full of twists and turns. We don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow, let alone on Nov. 8. So talking about what comes afterward seems premature. But it’s been on my mind a lot, because I’m worried. This specific worry is not about who wins the…

Political bomb hit pre-debate

October 12, 2016
By Angelo S. Lynn The political bomb that dropped over the weekend did not, as many expected, explode at Sunday night’s second debate between Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. Rather, it hit Friday night with the release of a video in which Trump speaks lewdly and openly about his boorish…

Calling for a return to the “Three Rs”

October 5, 2016
Dear Editor, Yes, I was a teacher in a former life, but no, I am not talking “Reading, ‘Riting and ‘Rithmatic.” I speak for Rights, Responsibility and Respect. Jim Haff and his (so called) Justice League have been paying for spots in the Mountain Times to put in their “political commentary” cartoons for the last…

A picture is worth a thousand words

October 5, 2016
Dear Editor, It’s a sad state of affairs when free speech is curtailed and censorship rules the day. I am referring to last week’s policy change at the Mountain Times wherein local political cartoons will no longer be published. I read the article entitled “Local cartoons offend readers who criticize lack of evidence, authorship; policies…

It couldn’t happen here

October 5, 2016
By Angelo S. Lynn Of the many alarming things about Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, his sense of entitlement and infallibility and his embrace of totalitarian authority should worry all Americans, and particularly those who are quick to say they cherish their freedom from big government. There is, after all, no more oppressive form of…

Local cartoons offend readers who criticize lack of evidence, authorship; policies changed

September 28, 2016
By Polly Lynn Mikula In last week’s edition, Sept. 21-27, an advertised political cartoon was published that offended many readers. While the cartoon (in addition to all letters and op-eds we publish) does NOT necessarily reflect the opinion of the newspaper or any of its staff members, many readers and businesses were confused about this…

Bucknam bucks political morality

September 28, 2016
Dear Editor, Recently, I heard a debate between the two major candidates for Vermont Attorney General, Democratic Chittenden County State’s Attorney T. J. Donovan and Republican private lawyer Deborah Bucknam. Their answers to one question showed that the Republican candidate was out of touch with political morality and reality. The question was whether the candidates agreed…

Rutland’s strife over refugee status is every town’s concern

September 28, 2016
By Angelo S. Lynn In Rutland, the struggles that town and city have gone through in its reckoning to become a refugee resettlement site provide important lessons other Vermont communities seeking similar refugee status should consider. For starters, Vermont residents should know the national refugee resettlement program is operated under an arm of the U.S.…

Dear Mr. Milne, We want to know: Is that all there is?

September 28, 2016
By Emerson Lynn If we had to come up with the lyrics to summarize Republican Scott Milne’s campaign against incumbent Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy, they would be contained in the late 1960s song by Peggy Lee, “Is That All There Is.” The song is a soulful lament drawn from a long-ago writer who, staring at…

Why this Democrat wants a strong Republican Party

September 21, 2016
By Lee H. Hamilton I’ve been a Democrat all my life. But that doesn’t mean I favor a weak Republican Party. Indeed, just the opposite. Before my Democratic friends drum me out of the party, let me explain why. Our nation is stronger and our representative democracy healthier when we have two strong parties. A…