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Open letter to VPIRG on wind
March 8, 2017
Dear VPIRG, You asked for comments on the wind sound rules you would like to see in place. Since this is such an important issue to all Vermonters and your website wouldn’t receive comments, I had to seek other avenues to comment. These are statements you made to which I couldn’t help but respond. “Wind…
Smoke-free outdoor air
March 8, 2017
Dear Editor, As evidence of the dangers of secondhand smoke continues to rise, many communities have passed tobacco-free laws that cover outdoor areas such as parks, recreational facilities, beaches, outdoor workplaces, and public events such as county fairs and farmers’ markets. Locally, Rutland City passed a ban on all tobacco products in Rutland City parks…
Windsor state senator challenged on education
March 8, 2017
Dear Editor, In his recent commentary in The Mountain Times, “Something to Write Home About,” Windsor County state senator Dick McCormack opines about “respecting the education fund.” He claims that he would never raid the education fund for other purposes, due to his strong support for Act 60. Contrary to his present-day promise, McCormack fully supported…
Strong working families mean a strong Vermont
March 8, 2017
Dear Editor, As a state legislator, my first responsibility is to stand up for a Vermont that works for all of us. I’m continually looking at what we can do to strengthen Vermont’s economy for future generations. I’m proud to be a lead sponsor of legislation that would create a family and medical leave insurance…
Let the sun shine in!
March 8, 2017
By Vermont Secretary of State Jim Condos An open government makes for a better government. This is Sunshine Week and it is being celebrated all across the nation.4.1x7 In reality, it should be celebrated every week – not just this week – in Vermont and every other state. Here at the secretary of state’s office, our operations…
Success of rural economies
March 8, 2017
By Adam Grinold, Lyle Jepson, William Colvin There is a scene from “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” set in days of the Black Plague. Eric Idle moves through a village, calling “Bring out your dead!” John Cleese appears, a body slung over his shoulder. As he negotiates offloading the corpse to Idle, the body interrupts;…
Something to write home about
March 1, 2017
By Sen. Dick McCormack Refugees Before I take issue with Governor Scott I want to thank him for his reason and courage in condemning the bigoted banning of refugees based on their religion. We Americans have many conflicting opinions, but the things that unite us are greater than the things that divide us. Mutual respect…
Vote to keep the Australian ballot
March 1, 2017
Dear Editor, In 2011, Killington made a historic decision. Citizens agreed that all who are registered to vote in Killington should be allowed to cast a ballot to decide town issues. The ballot is technically called an “Australian ballot.” Most people just call this voting. Killington Town Meeting Article 7 would restrict voting on town…
Vote no on article 7
March 1, 2017
Dear editor, I noted in the recent Killington town report that Article 7 involved a move to return to the town meeting floor vote for public questions. I guess I’m a little confused about why we would want to take a step back to a system that disenfranchised so many of our neighbors. Over the…
Keep the 1 percent local option sales tax
March 1, 2017
Top three reasons to consider Dear Editor, I am writing in support of the 1 percent local option sales tax, a tax I did not initially support years ago when first proposed, but one that I now find necessary and worthwhile. I am generally in favor of reduced taxes sent to Washington or Montpelier due…
Learning our lessons on Title IX
March 1, 2017
Dear Editor, Title IX is an educational amendment to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Enacted by Congress and signed into law by Nixon in 1972, the amendment states that there can be no discrimination on the basis of sex in any school receiving federal aid. In 2016, Obama enacted the guidance clause to reflect…
Modeling a local and vibrant climate economy
March 1, 2017
Dear Editor, With a national political conversation that seems to become more divisive and fragmented with each passing day, engaging locally to create meaningful and inclusive democratic change is as important as it ever has been. At moments like this, Vermonters have historically responded by gathering in granges and town halls to find common ground…
Lisa Ryan introduces self as candidate for Alderman
March 1, 2017
Dear Editor, My name is Lisa Ryan and I am running for the Board of Aldermen in Rutland City. I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Temple University and master’s degree in mediation and applied conflict studies from Champlain College. I am 27 years old and I was raised in Rutland, having worked in…
Clarification on my stance on refugee resettlement
March 1, 2017
Dear Editor, I would like to make a clarification to Adam Federman’s article on the Rutland City Board of Aldermen candidates (Feb. 21-28). Mr. Federman incorrectly stated my “suggested” stance on humanitarian efforts in Rutland. My position on refugee resettlement has not changed since my conversation with Mr. Federman in mid-January. I approve of humanitarian efforts in…
Support the Regional Marketing Initiative
March 1, 2017
Dear Editor, As the owner of a local business, parent of two wonderful children and resident of Rutland, I am writing in support of our regional marketing initiative. The initiative has been created by a group of volunteers who have put forth tremendous time and energy in an effort to stabilize and grow our local…