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Wind towers put our National Forest in peril, wrong direction

January 15, 2016
Dear Editor, Most of us have heard of the Paris Climate Action Accord. But as we talk with others, we find that hardly anyone knows that our National Forest is being targeted for destruction in the name of so called green energy. Iberdrola, a Spanish global energy giant that has recently merged with a Connecticut…

Vermont at a crossroads

January 13, 2016
Dear Editor, It is easy to understand why Vermont has attracted so many retirees over the last 30 years or so—it is truly a beautiful place to live, and property compared to many places in New England was reasonable and taxes were low. But now Vermont is at a crossroads: we have the second oldest…

New Year’s resolution

January 13, 2016
Dear Editor, Once again, it’s time for New Year’s resolutions, particularly those to improve our diet and exercise routine. Although gun violence and traffic accidents remain the leading causes of death among young people, the most dangerous weapon for the rest of us is still our fork. Well over a million of us are killed…

Marijuana is devolution, not progress

January 13, 2016
Dear Editor, In response to Eli Harrington’s letter, “Vermont leaders approach cannabis with healthy skepticism and caution, not naivete,” which appeared in the Dec. 31-Jan 6 edition of The Mountain Times, I note that Mr. Harrington is the founder of Vermontijuana (Vermont + Tijuana?), which you describe as “a hub for information and resources related…

WSYB Christmas Fund thanks the community

January 13, 2016
Dear Editor, The WSYB Christmas Fund has been a Christmas tradition for families in the Rutland area for 44 years. For many, it wouldn’t be Christmas without sharing their good fortune and giving a donation to the Christmas Fund. Since that first Christmas, the Christmas Fund has raised well over a million dollars from small…

Vermont leaders approach cannabis with healthy skepticism and caution, not naiveté

January 12, 2016
Dear Editor, I’m a ninth generation Vermonter so while I might be proud, I think history has shown that we’re very capable of governing ourselves, even when our approach is different from those of other states. In response to the op-ed by Julia Purdy “Vermont ‘exceptionalism’ is naïve,” I ask: Was it naive to help…

New progress report addresses residents’ goals outlined in 2008

January 12, 2016
Dear Editor, In 2007, the Killington Growth Initiative (KGI), a community group composed of business leaders, local government and residents, identified key challenges before the town, including a depressed economy, decline in cultural activities, lack of sustainable year-round economy, poor communication, and a strained relationship between Killington Resort and community members. KGI worked with the…

Climate fraud

January 12, 2016
Dear Editor, One of the biggest frauds being perpetrated on this country is the attempt by our national leaders and some misguided individuals right here in our own state of “what’s yours is mine” Vermont, is none other than climate change. The climate has changed continually since God rested on the seventh day, after the…

Help “Feed the Freezer” to ensure no one goes hungry in our community

January 12, 2016
Dear Editor, On Oct.16, 2012, the first homemade meals were made for “Feed the Freezer” and started a project that is now three years old and feeding thousands of people in Rutland County. Feed the Freezer volunteers cook and provide nutritious homemade meals (such as casseroles) that are frozen, then distributed to food shelf participants…

Southwest Freedom Riders organization dissolves after 15 years

January 7, 2016
Dear Editor, It is with a heavy heart I report to you that the Southwest Freedom Riders will be dissolving at the end of 2015. It’s been a long, strange, wonderful journey through the last 15 years. We have done our best to help as many people as possible, and really make a difference—locally, state-…

Santa: thank you Boss elves

January 7, 2016
Dear Editor, Santa would like to thank the elves at Boss Office Works for helping to get all my letters out to the community children this year. I couldn’t have done it without you! Sincerely, Santa Claus

Vermont needs a carbon tax

January 7, 2016
Dear Editor, This week world leaders and 200 scientists have decided on a plan to address climate change, the largest problem humankind has ever had to deal with. We Vermonters also are addressing the same social dilemma. It is simple: either we rest on our laurels and just wait to see what the world will…

Sadly, Congress seems okay with being weak

December 29, 2015
By Lee H. Hamilton Not many people outside of Capitol Hill paid attention last month when the congressional leadership released next year’s legislative schedule. Its headline feature is a strikingly long summer recess: half of July and all of August, along with a few spotty weeks of work before the November election. In all, the…

Tiny enrollment numbers affect education quality — and taxes

December 29, 2015
Dear Editor, As as Rochester community member, I am writing to share some of my thoughts and concerns about the future of our school. My hope is that this will be the beginning of a conversation. I know there are lots of concerns and worries coming from all different points of view. My concern is…

KPAA encourages positive perspective despite weather

December 29, 2015
Dear Editor, Happy holidays on behalf of the Killington Pico Area Association (KPAA) to you and your families. Looking outside its hard to determine which holiday season we are in. I’d like to remind everyone that we have been here before and there’s no reason to panic as some have   expressed to me. I,…