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Truth in numbers

February 24, 2016
Dear Editor, I have read and studied in detail Mr. Haff’s interpretation of the town report numbers and his plan for the town. There is so much lack of accuracy and misinformation. Town report numbers from past years show it was Mr. Haff’s years in office when the can was truly kicked down the road.…

Tate update: Creating a culture of prosperity

February 24, 2016
Dear Editor, Something’s missing. Your Vermont General Assembly is back in full swing and once again the body is forced into a posture of reaction—reacting to continued drops in student population, the highest health care premiums in the United States, rampant drug use, stagnating wages and ongoing budget deficits. Montpelier has shown its ability to…

Get out and vote

February 24, 2016
Dear Editor, As the current President of the Killington Pico Area Association, I would like to thank everyone for the efforts in making 2015 a great year. How did we get there, you may ask? We accomplished it by working together; the business community, Killington Resort and the town. Most significantly, we transitioned the Chamber…

Haff time: my plan

February 17, 2016
By Jim Haff, Killington Candidate for Select Board My plan is to once again get our town back to running the core departments of our municipality, which include highway/roads, recreation, library, fire safety and police. Included in recreation should be maintaining our golf course capital and our swimming pool. Included in the fire safety and…

McGrath issues a rebuttal to “Haff time”

February 17, 2016
Dear Editor, Accuracy and truth matter. I read with a certain amount of both disdain and amusement Mr. Haff’s letter, who is running for Killington selectman. First he insinuates that I do not pay attention to the nuts and bolts because I am more interested in economic development. Nothing is further from the truth. Both…

Black River-Lafayette Lodge #85 requests extended tax-exempt status

February 17, 2016
Dear Editor, At the annual meeting of the town of Ludlow, Vt., Article 4 will be presented for consideration. The article deals with the renewal of tax-exempt status of the property located at 22 Buttermilk Falls Road, owned by the Ludlow Masonic Building Association a.k.a. Black River-Lafayette Lodge #85 F & AM. The Brethren of…

Killington town priorities must be balanced

February 11, 2016
Dear editor, Jim Haff made some interesting points in his last letter to the editor last week. As a selectboard member I agree that it is our job to set the budget and take care of existing infrastructure, etc. It is also our job to set policy for the town concerning its present and its…

Easy does it on Killington Road

February 11, 2016
Dear Editor, The letter by Leo Khmelniker (The Mountain Times, Jan. 27-Feb. 2, 2016) brings to mind several facts not known by the general public. Information furnished by the Rutland Region Planning Commission shows Killington Road to have the highest accident rate in Rutland County. These accidents occur at no specific location. They may involve…

Route 4: more dangerous than it looks

February 11, 2016
Dear Editor, A few weeks ago I submitted my thoughts and concerns about the 50 mph speed limit over the Sherburne Pass, after that horrific accident that took three lives. The feedback I received was extremely positive. All who I spoke with agreed that the speed limit should be reduced; most people suggested a 40…

What is Haff time?

February 11, 2016
Dear editor, What is Haff time? Select Board Chair Patty McGrath explained it well when she says the main difference between us is that I focus on the nuts and bolts of running a municipality while she looks at the bigger picture, which she defines as the economy. She is quoted in the Rutland Herald…

Haff time: On planning and progress

February 9, 2016
Dear Editor, As we approach election time just weeks from now, please know that when you vote for a select person you’re actually voting for somebody whose main job it is to set a budget for our town that takes care of existing infrastructure, roads, public safety (fire/police), schools and recreation. It is not the…

My vote is “no” for a bill that seeks to legalize marijuana for recreational use

February 9, 2016
Dear Editor, In a recent letter to friends, family and neighbors I addressed a question many have asked: where do I stand on the legalization of marijuana? I’ve spoken to many of you about this topic. I’ve heard your thoughts and concerns and I am convinced now, more than ever, that should a bill that…

Killington 2020, exciting plans for our future

February 9, 2016
Dear Editor, On Jan. 26 the VCRD hosted “Killington 2020: Setting Priorities for the Future” a follow up to the 2008 VCRD Community Visit, in which we as a community came together to set our priorities to achieve economic development and make our town a better place for everyone. Our latest meeting served to reflect on…

Affordable housing considered in context

February 9, 2016
Dear editor, The following is one man’s opinion, mine. The issues that were of most importance discussed last night were: 1) affordable housing, 2) the new firehouse, 3) the pool, 4) hiking and biking trails, and the rest were bringing up the rear. Let’s take the most talked about, affordable housing. Who needs it? Do…

What it will take to address income inequality

February 3, 2016
By Lee H. Hamilton When the history of this year’s presidential campaign is written, one of its more remarkable features will be that candidates of both parties felt it necessary to talk about income inequality. Surely that makes this a watershed moment. The issue is hardly new. As historian and writer Jill Lepore pointed out…