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Police roadblocks violate 4th Amendment

December 7, 2016
Dear Editor, In response to the article “Vermont State Troopers increasing enforcement over holiday season,” printed in the Nov. 30-Dec. 6 edition: Roadblocks that stop mostly innocent drivers with no warrants and no probable cause to believe that any particular drivers have done anything wrong are a violation of the Fourth Amendment against improper search…

Making votes count with the Electoral College

December 1, 2016
Dear Editor, The framers of the US Constitution created the Electoral College as a result of a compromise for the presidential election process.  During the debate, some delegates felt that a direct popular election would lead to the election of each state’s favorite son and none would emerge with sufficient popular majority to govern the…

Thanks for bringing the World Cup to Killington

December 1, 2016
Dear Editor, As I reflect on this World Cup weekend, I would like to offer my greatest thanks to Killington Resort and the volunteers that made this event a success. Without the town, the resort and the business community working together, this international skiing competition would have been near impossible to pull off. Very rarely…

Of life and politics

November 22, 2016
Dear Editor, I have been asked many times about my feelings for the outcome of the presidential election… and I say this: Every 365 days each of us travels around the sun together within this magnificent solar system. The earth, the sun, the moon, Mars, Jupiter, the balance of the universe… could care less about…

Charitable giving encouraged for Thanksgiving

November 22, 2016
Dear Editor, Thanksgiving is a time when people think about what they are grateful for. Some people think of this holiday as a time to eat food and cook, but really, it’s a time to sit around the table with your family or friends, and tell what you are thankful for before Aunt Marge or…

To our future Syrian neighbors

November 9, 2016
By Bob Allen and Thanh Nguyen Editor’s note: The following is an open letter addressed to the region’s future Syrian neighbors written by Bob Allen, president of Green Mountain College in Poultney, and GMC student Thanh Nguyen who was born in Moscow, Russia, and lived most of her life in Hanoi, Vietnam. International students at…

My three R’s, riposte to a ridiculous response

October 12, 2016
Dear Editor, The other day I googled “Killington cartoons” and an interesting link came up. It was about the cartoonist Tim Newcombe, who drew a cartoon in the 80s lampooning Killington Resort’s quest to alter Vermont laws to allow it to use recycled sewage to make snow. Killington sued him and the papers that printed…

Killington informational meeting on Act 46 held, Oct. 24

October 12, 2016
Dear Editor, I have been on the Killington School Board for over 10 years and this is my first letter to the editor. I am writing to invite you all to a meeting that will be held on Monday, Oct. 24 at 7 p.m. at the Killington Elementary School library. The School Board is holding…

Calling for a return to the “Three Rs”

October 5, 2016
Dear Editor, Yes, I was a teacher in a former life, but no, I am not talking “Reading, ‘Riting and ‘Rithmatic.” I speak for Rights, Responsibility and Respect. Jim Haff and his (so called) Justice League have been paying for spots in the Mountain Times to put in their “political commentary” cartoons for the last…

A picture is worth a thousand words

October 5, 2016
Dear Editor, It’s a sad state of affairs when free speech is curtailed and censorship rules the day. I am referring to last week’s policy change at the Mountain Times wherein local political cartoons will no longer be published. I read the article entitled “Local cartoons offend readers who criticize lack of evidence, authorship; policies…

Bucknam bucks political morality

September 28, 2016
Dear Editor, Recently, I heard a debate between the two major candidates for Vermont Attorney General, Democratic Chittenden County State’s Attorney T. J. Donovan and Republican private lawyer Deborah Bucknam. Their answers to one question showed that the Republican candidate was out of touch with political morality and reality. The question was whether the candidates agreed…

Fresh Air Fund thanks local families

September 21, 2016
Dear Editor, This summer we celebrated The Fresh Air Fund’s 140th summer of serving children from New York City’s low-income communities. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my gratitude to our extraordinary Fresh Air volunteers, hosts and supporters in Central Vermont for their dedication and commitment. Fresh Air host families open their…

The Minter record vs. the Scott record

September 21, 2016
Dear Editor, Sue Minter recently said that she will “support Vermont families and businesses” as governor. However, her record suggests otherwise. In 2009, Minter voted for the disastrous budget bill. In the middle of the Great Recession, the bill raised income taxes on Vermonters by $26 million, used one-time funds to plug recurring budget holes…

Vote Rodrigue for Senate

September 21, 2016
Dear Editor, When election day arrives in November, I will be casting my vote for Vermont State Senate for Korrine Rodrigue. I’ve had the pleasure to get to know Rodrigue well over the last several years through her leadership in Project VISION, and I can think of no one more competent to serve Rutland County…

Nuclear power would meet sustainable energy goal

September 14, 2016
Dear Editor, Congratulations are in order for Ken Nolan, the newly-appointed general manager for Vermont Public Power Supply Authority (VPPSA), the umbrella organization for 12 small-town water and light departments. Mr. Nolan is the former chief operating officer at Burlington Electric Department (BED), majority owner and operator of the McNeil station, Vermont’s largest biomass-fueled power…