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Semi-annual rummage sale was a success

June 14, 2017
Dear Editor, The staff, clients and board of Black River Good Neighbor Services offer their sincere thanks to the donors, customers and volunteers who made our semi-annual rummage sale a great success. We held the sale on May 19-21 at Fletcher Farm on Route 103 in Ludlow. Whether customers wanted clothes, furniture, household goods, books,…

Gov. should support local control

June 14, 2017
Dear Editor, Our government is elected to support and further the well being and prosperity of its citizens. A high quality education system is essential for prosperity. Vermonters believe strongly that local control/decision making results in the highest quality schools, ones that provide the best education for its students and the future prosperity of its…

Thank you for a great celebration

June 14, 2017
Dear Editor, Thank you to all who helped make the celebration of my birthday/retirement party the most special of special occasions. The Tweety Cake, the cupcakes, the wonderful gifts, cards, emails and calls from Georgia, Hawaii, New Jersey, Florida, Newport were mind boggling. The surprise party at the Foundry of co-workers, old friends, family and…

Budget veto could threaten older Vermonters

June 7, 2017
Dear Editor, I write as the executive director of the Community of Vermont Elders (COVE), an organization that represents older Vermonters’ interests on the state level and has done so for more than three decades.  Given the economic realities of today, many older Vermonters struggle to live lives with dignity and respect in which their…

53rd Loyalty Day Parade a success

June 7, 2017
Dear Editor, Many thanks to the parade committee of the 53rd Loyalty Day parade: Sam Gorruso, Gerry Garrow, Dick Blongy, Bruce Baccei, Mark and Jean Prouty, Bill Flory, Don Choiniere, Jim Mills, Sharon Corey, Bonnie Burke, Suzanne Houston, Shella Mills, Tony and Donna Manfredi, Ron Senecal, Marie Fallon, Howard & Hurley Cavacas, Donnaleen Farewell and…

Honoring the Paris Climate Accord

June 7, 2017
Dear Editor, Are you, too, fighting mad about Trump pulling the U.S. out of the Paris climate accord? Then let’s fight back three times a day by adopting an eco-friendly plant-based diet. Yes, our diet is pivotal. A 2010 United Nations report blames animal agriculture for 19 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, 38 percent of land…

Doubling down on Vermont’s environment

June 7, 2017
Dear Editor, President Trump’s call to abandon the Paris Climate Agreement, slash federal funding for clean air and water, and reduce protections for threatened and endangered species have made national headlines and created grim reading for those who care about protecting the health of our people and our environment. But, as is often the case,…

VFFC incubator kitchen dining event was a community succcess

May 31, 2017
Dear Editor, Thank you to the farmers who grew the food we served for our first Vermont Farmers Food Center Incubator Kitchen dining event held the weekend of May 20-21. Thank you also for the hard work of our volunteer kitchen crew who are helping the VFFC incubator kitchen promote the consumption of local food…

Proposed fed. budget would be a serious setback in the fight against hunger

May 31, 2017
Dear Editor, The fiscal year 2018 federal budget proposed by the Trump administration would be devastating for the 48 million Americans who face hunger. In Vermont, this would have serious implications on the food security of the 1 in 4 people in our state who turn to the Vermont Foodbank for assistance each year. The…

Gov. Scott’s “radical” savings plan scapegoats teachers

May 31, 2017
Dear Editor, The Vermont State Labor Council AFL CIO unequivocally supports the Vermont National Education Association (NEA) in their struggle to protect collective bargaining rights. While Governor Scott’s administration has put forward a radical “plan” to save taxpayers a projected $26 million, this plan appears to be a cousin to Trump’s skinny budget proposal, half-baked…

Thank you to a generous community

May 24, 2017
Dear Editor, The sun broke through on our world around 6 a.m., April 16. A glorious day had dawned upon a continuing Killington celebration. On behalf of the Ecumenical Planning Committee for the Easter Sunrise Service last month, I want to express our sincerest gratitude for all the support for this annual event at the…

Don’t close Black River School

May 24, 2017
Dear Editor, It takes a community to raise a child. Ludlow has been that community for generations. When my daughter began thinking about high school, Black River was her first choice even though we live in Springfield. Black River is a school that her grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, and cousins have attended. She visited for…

Pico needs investments, too

May 24, 2017
Dear Editor, As a long-time Pico & Killington pass holder I am excited to learn of the millions of dollars being invested at Killington. But what are you doing for Pico? I first skied PicoPeak in the winter of 1959 and have raised my children and now grandchildren on those slopes. They eventually moved over…

Letter Carriers’ Food Drive was a success

May 18, 2017
Dear Editor, The United Way of Rutland County is thankful to the many Rutland County residents who contributed non-perishable food items in support of the 25th Annual Letter Carriers’ Food Drive on May 13. The event was a great success this year, with more than 24,000 pounds of food collected and distributed to food shelves…

The time for single-payer is now

May 18, 2017
Dear Editor, I have felt the impacts of the healthcare system’s many manifestations over my lifetime. My parents spent nearly two decades paying off medical bills from my younger brothers’ stints in the hospital with infant asthma. I was forced to put off graduate school for several years after breaking my collarbone and using my…