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Thanks for the 29th annual Great Brandon Auction

July 26, 2017
Dear Editor, From sun-up to sun-down (yes this rainy spring gave us perfect weather for the day) on Tuesday, July 18, Brandon was a-glow with donors, volunteers, bidders and buyers at the 29th Great Brandon Auction. After unloading our spiffy “Auction Storage Trailer” and organizing the donations that poured out from storage areas, barns, cars,…

Principal reflects on successful school year

July 20, 2017
Dear Editor, As summer has arrived and we have time to reflect on another school year, there are many great things that our staff and students did here at Poultney High School, and I would like to highlight just a few of them. This year, Poultney High School was one of a handful of Vermont…

Concern over Woodstock roadwork

July 20, 2017
Editor’s note: the following letter was submitted to the Woodstock Select Board and has been edited for clarity.  Dear Editor, What company starts early on weekends with no permits around wet lands and brooks? The zoning administrator is on vacation and the state offices and town hall are closed. I am the only abutting neighbor,…

Rochester voter challenges conduct of school board

July 20, 2017
Dear Editor, Rochester voters – Here are the facts: Early February 2017 Fact 1: The filing at Rochester Town Clerk’s office of a Petition for Article for the 2017 Rochester Annual Town School Meeting. The petition was filed within the Vermont state deadline with the required number of Rochester voter signatures. Fact 2: The text…

Please be cautious with language

July 12, 2017
Dear Editor, Julia Purdy writes in her piece “Conserving lands, healing people” published in the July 5-11 edition: “They became part of the progressive movement to de-institutionalize the mentally ill and offer them meaningful lives in community settings.” I am not sure what she meant, but the vast majority of people dealing with a mental…

Scholarship golf tourney was a success

July 12, 2017
Dear Editor, The Ted Bridges Scholarship Hospitality Golf Tournament was held in June under sunny skies. Chris Karr, owner of The Foundry on the Killington Access Road, and his crew once again organized the event. Bobby Peterson was his usual jovial self in bringing it together. The day was capped off with a delicious buffet…

Fletcher Farm School thanks community

July 12, 2017
Dear Editor, The Board of Directors of Fletcher Farm School for the Arts & Crafts wishes to express its gratitude to all local businesses for their generous donations. The school received many fabulous items and gift certificates for their 70th Anniversary Celebration, making it a great success, despite the New England weather surprise. The school…

St. David’s Society extends a public thank-you

July 5, 2017
Dear Editor, Poultney Area St. David’s Society extends a public thank you (“diolch yn fawr”) to the many members, friends and visitors to our Slate Valley region who recently participated in the Society’s June 25th Gymanfa Ganu and Te Bach event, which was hosted by and held in historic (1833) Federated Church Castleton. Appreciation is…

Rutland County Farm Bureau president responds to Mosher case

July 5, 2017
Dear Editor, This case involves many tragedies. The first tragedy in this whole case was the death of Jon Bellis. We are all extremely sorry for this loss. This was a terrible accident and one that had already been adjudicated in civil court. This is where this case should have ended. Rose Kennedy should never…

Vermont poetry vs. money

June 28, 2017
Dear Editor, Old River Road, Woodstock … fabled with antiquity … with love laughing water her companion attacked for a view along with the out of turn bull frogs, singing peepers, trout, foxes, raccoon, deer … with birds, lightning bugs on and on … Where are the Amazon warriors to protect her? Where is Woodstock…

Library roof repairs too expensive as proposed

June 28, 2017
Dear Editor, I am urging the Select Board (for the second time) not to spend $290,000 of taxpayers’ money to repair/replace the Killington library roof. If the current roof project goes through as planned, it will cost approximately six times the amount of a traditional asphalt shingle roof. I don’t see how anybody can justify…

Eight reasons for veggies

June 28, 2017
Dear Editor: Here are the eight best reasons for barbecuing veggie burgers and veggie hot dogs at this year’s Independence Day gatherings, rather than ground-up animal body parts: Focusing on traffic and fireworks safety, rather than food safety. Giving your eyes a break from reading food warning labels. Not sweating cancer-causing compounds if barbecue temperature…

More state control is not the answer

June 21, 2017
Dear Editor, Two years ago, I wrote an op-ed that opened: “The Legislature can work with local communities to improve education, or it can push them around.” This is the fundamental choice that the governor and lawmakers continued to wrestle with this session. In 2015, the debate was over school district consolidation. This year, the…

Thanking local organizations for supporting BRSU

June 21, 2017
Dear Editor, On behalf of the Bennington-Rutland Supervisory Union (BRSU) I would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to some of the organizations that have offered support to our students and families throughout the 2016-2017 school year. Casella Waste Management has continually offered unwavering support to students and families particularly with the Community Clean Up…

Healthcare for all is needed now

June 21, 2017
Dear Editor, I am a father, husband, and small business owner, and my work is as a healthcare provider. Since going into business for myself in 2001, I have lived either without health insurance, or with uncertainty about insurance availability and affordability. My kids grew up enjoying team sports, skiing/riding, and biking, as so many…