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Lilies are very toxic to cats 

March 27, 2024
  Dear Editor, With Easter and Mother’s Day approaching veterinarians are urging cat owners to be aware that lilies, commonly added to spring bouquets, are highly poisonous to cats. These include the Lilium and Hemerocallis species, which are commonly referred to as tiger lilies, daylilies, and Asiatic lilies. All parts of the lily plant are…

Wealthy and high-income Vermonters join call for Legislature to increase their taxes

March 27, 2024
  Dear Legislators, Editor’s note: This is a public letter to the Vermont Legislature signed by 31 wealthy and high-income Vermonters urging it to support the Fair Share for Vermont proposal that would create a 3% income tax surcharge on incomes over $500,000. As Vermont taxpayers and community members, we recognize the urgent moment we…

For the lack of a coherent plan

March 27, 2024
  Dear Editor, Recently, a Chittenden County Superior Court judge handed down a decision siding with the state against the plaintiffs in a case brought by Vermont Legal Aid on behalf of those who are living unhoused (a.k.a. homeless) and had been evicted from motels during the middle of March. Although I disagree with the decision…

Thanks to the Killington community

March 13, 2024
  Dear Editor, Last week’s elections recorded a historic turnout.   I would like to thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules and heading to the polls to cast your votes. With your active participation, the results confirmed that 40% of the community share my views.  I would also like to congratulate…

The hypocrisy of Fish & Wildlife, the board, and the trappers association

March 13, 2024
  Dear Editor, Wildlife rehabbers in Vermont use their own money, need education and to pass an exam to become licensed. But they are severely restricted by the Fish & Wildlife Dept. and board on what animals they can see and scrupulouslymonitored for any violation. Nearly all wild animals in Vermont are off-limits to assist,…

2024… the year Vermont went Republican?

March 13, 2024
  Dear Editor, With its reputation as a blue state since 1965, and despite four generations of liberal progressives, has Vermont resurrected its alternate self as a hotbed of Republican values? In the primaries on Town Meeting Day, March 4, held in Vermont towns by decree of their original 18th Century charters, a Republican candidate…

Reputation and security are at stake

March 13, 2024
  Dear Editor, Nick Santoro in his Jan. 3 “Try to Imagine Gaza” letter to the MT editor is asking us, Americans, to imagine the horror that “is happening at this very moment somewhere in Palestine/Israel.” It is hard to imagine, and most of us probably can’t. Unfortunately, people of Ukraine can, as they have…

Keep the power with the citizens

March 13, 2024
  Dear Editor, It may be time for the changing views of Vermonters towards wildlife to be addressed, but bill S.258 will not accomplish it. Currently and historically the 14 members of the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Board have been appointed by the governor with input from the Legislature. One seat represents each county. Under…

MVSU thanks voters for engagement

March 13, 2024
  Dear Editor, Editor’s note: This letter was written for the entire Mountain Views Supervisory Union School communities of Representing Barnard, Bridgewater, Killington, Plymouth, Pomfret, Reading and Woodstock. Thank you for the amazing record turn-out at this week’s elections. We are grateful for the strong vote of support for the annual school budget. To see…

Cannot humans do better?

March 13, 2024
  Dear Editor, Yesterday, March 9, 2024, a small flock of robins arrived here in the Rutland valley, four pairs to be exact. The ground was soggy but bare and they set about scanning the earth for food.  This morning, the robins are scampering anxiously about, nonplussed by the thick coating of slushy snow. A…

New leaders to bring a new downtown agenda?

March 13, 2024
  Dear Editor, Downtown Rutland has been in the news recently concerning the metered parking situation and now the two departures at the Rutland Downtown Partnership. As a long time retail manager, most recently spending 25 years as the Retail Director at Okemo, I tend to look at things as an astute retailer would look.…

Will Vermont continue to be a going concern?

March 6, 2024
Dear Editor, In the field of auditing companies, nonprofits and government entities, auditors determine whether an entity can continue to operate. Auditor concerns are if an entity has lost a significant customer, cannot secure financing, or lost a major supplier or key personnel. Vermont state government has gotten itself to a place where, due to…

A tribute to Vermont’s submarine hero

March 6, 2024
Dear Editor, A tribute to Torpedoman Henry Breault is planned for March 15 at 9:30 a.m. to honor the 100th anniversary of Submariner Breault receiving the Medal of Honor, a declared Vermont resident to which the state of Vermont received credit. Representative Michael Morgan of Grand Isle-Chittenden District is initiating a Legislative resolution to honor Torpedoman…

H.132: Housing status anti-discrimination bill sorely needed

March 6, 2024
Dear Editor, Vermont House of Representatives recently passed H.132, a vastly amended homeless bill of rights legislation (compared to the bill as originally introduced), which is now in the hands of the state Senate. Afterwards, I had written to state Representative Tom Stevens, chair of the House General and Housing Committee, which had recently passed…

MVSD corrects inaccuracies in JCI presentation to Killington

March 6, 2024
Dear Editor, School District administration have reviewed the paid advertisement written by former School Board Director Jim Haff running in the Feb.  28 edition of the Mountain Times. The article includes a chart describing certain services proposed by Johnson Controls Inc (JCI) to the School District for improvements to the School District’s buildings. The assertions…