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Policy of “Pico last” continues

February 1, 2018
Dear Editor, I would like to reply to Founder and CEO of Powder John Cumming’s nice email newsletter to passholders from Jan. 8. I admire very much his and Powder ’s accomplishments in the ski industry, in particular the level that he and others have brought Killington up to. But I have to point out…

To the rescue

February 1, 2018
Dear Editor, On Saturday afternoon this past weekend, my cousin Alice, who lives here in Killington, wanted to show me and Dee, my friend, a beautiful sight on Thundering Brook Road and Kent Pond. It was a magnificent view on the frozen pond looking back on the mountains with cross country skiers enjoying a picture…

Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan owe thanks to Vietnam veterans

November 8, 2017
By Chad Storlie I was speaking to a group of small business owners a few days ago about the benefits of military service and hiring military veterans for their businesses.  As I received their still very special, “Thank you for your service,” compliments following my talk, I realized that the public displays of gratitude for…

Protect the quiet of Bingo Basin

November 8, 2017
Dear Editor, For decades, homeowners of Great Hawk Homeowners Assn. have routinely ventured into the neighboring Pine Gap Loop Trail area in the Bingo Basin for the tranquility that it offers. Our membership enjoys non-motorized sports such as walking, hiking, biking, snowshoeing and skiing. It offers them peace of mind, great exercise, and a nearby…

Thanks for listening sessions

November 8, 2017
Dear Editor, Over the past few weeks I have had the opportunity to meet a number of residents in the towns of Bridgewater and Killington at meet & greet sessions at the town transfer stations and a Bridgewater Grange meeting. Additional events are planned for Chittenden, Nov. 11, and Mendon Nov.18. In addition to many…

Spooky event a “treat” for all

November 8, 2017
Dear Editor, Another amazing Trunk or Treat for Pittsford! We had around 150 kids go through the trunks. Thank you to Pittsford Fire Department, Pittsford First Response, Pittsford Police Department, Vermont Police Academy cadets, Furnace Brook Wesleyan Church andPittsford Recreation Department for hosting. Thank you to all the families that decorated trunks! And thank you…

Trash disposal a problem

October 11, 2017
Dear Editor, When the Ludlow and Cavendish transfer stations recently increased their fees, our donation shed saw a steep increase in unusable donations we cannot resell – especially those made at night and on weekends when the store is closed. As a result, our trash disposal cost has skyrocketed. Black River Good Neighbor Services has…

Setting the record straight: voter fraud case

October 4, 2017
Dear Editor, Recently, Ethan Allen Institute President Rob Roper posted an op-ed with the inflammatory, sensational title, “So Second Home Owners Can Vote in Vermont?” Perhaps as intended, Mr. Roper’s attention seeking commentary caused significant confusion and concern about Vermont’s residency law for voting purposes. As Vermont’s chief elections official, let me set the record…

Local volunteers sending help to hurricane victims

October 4, 2017
By Sue Skaskiw Volunteer Services for Animals Humane Society was able to fill a 34-foot RV owned by volunteer Barry Newton with cat, dog, horse, bird and rabbit food  (32 banana boxes full!); Vari-kennels, (pet carriers enabling abandoned animals to find their way to safety); medical supplies including flea, tick, ear mite medicine, antibiotics and…

Pittsford Community Connects hosted successful social event, draws over 100

September 20, 2017
Dear Editor, Pittsford Community Connects held our Ice Cream Social on Sept. 10 at The Village Farm on 42 Elm St. in Pittsford. We hosted over 100 people on the property, looking around, asking questions, and thinking about the future. We would like to thank the many people and agencies who helped to make this…

Killington’s bear problem is getting out of hand

September 20, 2017
Dear Editor, Killington has an overabundance of bears this year — actually every year as I see it — but it’s getting worse and worse. Can we do something about it? Do we have to wait for someone or their pet to get mauled or killed? We see them in the dumpsters all summer long,…

Pets in Houston need our help

September 6, 2017
Dear Editor, VT Volunteer Services for Animals Humane Society (VVSA) is in the process of organizing a truckload of animal supplies for delivery to the areas ravaged by Hurricane Harvey. Donations of canned animal food with flip tops, bagged cat and dog food, flea and tick medicine, light weight kitty litter and litter boxes, heavy…

September is preparedness month

September 6, 2017
Dear Editor, Like most of you, we at Vermont Emergency Management have been watching events unfold in Texas following Hurricane Harvey. As we watch, most of us are no doubt reminded of our own historic disaster: Tropical Storm Irene. We’ve seen many stories from Houston about individuals and families who were rescued from their flooded homes…

Quality control needed in school food

September 6, 2017
Dear Editor, With the new school year upon us, parents turn their attention to school clothes, school supplies, and school food. Yes, school food! More than 31 million children rely on school meals for their daily nutrition, which too often consists of highly processed food laden with saturated fat. Not surprisingly, one-third of children are…

Great article with a small problem

August 31, 2017
Dear Editor, There’s a bit of a misrepresentation in the third sentence of Brett Yates’ otherwise excellent piece “Good things for bad people” published in the Aug.23-29 edition of the Mountain Times, in regards to the infamous Google memo. It reads: “The engineer, James Damore, asserted that the relative absence of women in Silicon Valley…