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Gov. Scott’s veto of a flavored tobacco ban is a win for small businesses, the economy, and adults’ right to make choices 

April 17, 2024
Dear Editor, Governor Phil Scott’s decision to veto S.18, legislation that would ban the sale of flavored tobacco and nicotine products in Vermont, is a win for small businesses, the economy, and adults’ right to make their own choices. Proponents of bans like this argue they are necessary to protect public health by preventing the…

Great job highway and roadway

April 17, 2024
Dear Editor,   The Killington highway and roadway workers did an excellent job all year long maintaining my road and area roads. Innsbruck Lane is a steep road that intersects Merrill and George Streets. Snow plowing is difficult on most narrow roads but particularly challenging here. The team plowed early, often, and skillfully to maintain a…

Make Vermont affordable!

April 17, 2024
Dear Editor, It’s time to change our state government’s archaic tax system and truly make it fair for every single Vermonter. Vermont’s current tax system employed by the Legislature needs a true and absolute overhaul!   First, it is exclusive. Second, they want to tax everything, and in some cases they are. We need changes under both…

How civics can save us from ourselves

April 10, 2024
Dear Editor, Democracy has much to recommend it: access to public officials and opportunities to complain.  Unlike a monarchy, with a single person in charge, a democracy gives ordinary citizens the chance to think beyond their private concerns and ponder the public good. Through argument and persuasion, citizens in a democracy have a chance to…

Food shelf thankful for extra collection effort

April 10, 2024
Dear Editor, The Killington Food Shelf located at The Little White Church would like to thank Jay Hickory for his efforts of collecting nonperishable food, paper goods and toiletry items every weekend at the Killington transfer station. These donations fill our shelves for people in need. Jay Hickory suggested this idea and Lucretia Wonsor, our…

Forests of Telephone Gap in GMNF serve public good

April 3, 2024
Dear Editor, My concern is the Telephone Gap project plans, primarily in Rutland County, of the Green Mountain National Forest and the public comment period that ends on April 8. Old growth forest stands are extremely rare in this publicly owned forest and it is not being managed to promote them in any significant way.…

Killington Deli family reflects on 39 years at the helm

April 3, 2024
Dear Editor, After 39 years of business, we are happy to announce our retirement and the sale of the Killington Deli and Marketplace. We would like to take the opportunity to thank our community for all your love, friendship, and support over the years. Moving here in 1985 from New Jersey, not only did we…

Logging old trees in GMNF is a serious public concern

April 3, 2024
Dear Editor, I understand the Forest Service is planning to log stands of almost 12,000 acres of mostly old and mature forest in the Telephone Gap area of the Green Mountain National Forest just east of Pittsford. That is bigger than the whole city of Burlington. (Google it for yourself: Telephone Gap Project.)  We all…

Only 1% up but defeated: examining the Slate Valley school district budget before revote April 11

April 3, 2024
By Pati Beaumont Editor’s note: The following commentary was written by Pati Beaumont, chairperson of the Slate Valley Unified Union School Board, as an open letter to the Slate Valley Unified Union School District community and published here by request. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the 2,472 individuals who exercised their…

Stop logging in Telephone Gap

April 3, 2024
  Dear Editor, I am shocked that 11,800 acres are slated to be logged in the Green Mountain National Forest’s Telephone Gap Area. While the Forest Service’s Plan is attention grabbing, it misses the fact that the best protection for biodiversity and earth’s climate is to let forests mature. Animals of the forest need wild…

Community Care Network thanks voters for support

April 3, 2024
Dear Editor,  On behalf of Community Care Network and its two agencies, Rutland Mental Health Services and Rutland Community Programs, I extend my sincere thanks to the voters throughout Rutland County for their support in approving funding for our programs during the recent March Town Meetings.  For Rutland Mental Health Services, town giving supports a…

Lilies are very toxic to cats 

March 27, 2024
  Dear Editor, With Easter and Mother’s Day approaching veterinarians are urging cat owners to be aware that lilies, commonly added to spring bouquets, are highly poisonous to cats. These include the Lilium and Hemerocallis species, which are commonly referred to as tiger lilies, daylilies, and Asiatic lilies. All parts of the lily plant are…

Wealthy and high-income Vermonters join call for Legislature to increase their taxes

March 27, 2024
  Dear Legislators, Editor’s note: This is a public letter to the Vermont Legislature signed by 31 wealthy and high-income Vermonters urging it to support the Fair Share for Vermont proposal that would create a 3% income tax surcharge on incomes over $500,000. As Vermont taxpayers and community members, we recognize the urgent moment we…

For the lack of a coherent plan

March 27, 2024
  Dear Editor, Recently, a Chittenden County Superior Court judge handed down a decision siding with the state against the plaintiffs in a case brought by Vermont Legal Aid on behalf of those who are living unhoused (a.k.a. homeless) and had been evicted from motels during the middle of March. Although I disagree with the decision…

Thanks to the Killington community

March 13, 2024
  Dear Editor, Last week’s elections recorded a historic turnout.   I would like to thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules and heading to the polls to cast your votes. With your active participation, the results confirmed that 40% of the community share my views.  I would also like to congratulate…